Supernatural Seduction (Book 2 of the Coffin Girls Series)
contributed to his continued visits to Papillion Plantation.
    “Miss Suzette,” Sylvain called out after
taking a sip of the heavenly taste of the New Orleans styled
caffeinated milk beverage. “If I was a younger man, you wouldn’t
stand a chance. I wouldn’t take no for an answer.”
    To Sophie’s disgusted embarrassment, Miss
Suzette tittered like a teenager. “Oh, go on with you,” Miss
Suzette swatted the air in Sylvain’s direction, “I know a player
when I see one.”
    “I prefer V’s term for him,” Sophie
interjected, “man-whore." Sophie mentally admonished herself for
the verbal slip. He might be a flirtatious gigolo, but he was also
their friend and had helped them eagerly, on many occasions. Most
recently, when he caringly served them warm blood and most notably
when he’d fought alongside them in a battle that had little to do
with him. But, he also had the tendency to get all sorts of rises
out of her—including the scintillating kind that she didn’t need or
want. As Prince of Fae, he was used to women falling at his feet
and not just to bow or curtsy or whatever the fae term was for
subjugation. Nope they literally threw themselves at him. If he'd
been unattractive, she could put it down to them gold-digging, but
no, he had to go and look like a flippin' movie star with his
honey-colored hair and those gorgeous baby blues of his. She’d
argued many times with herself that she'd found him so attractive,
because he was so different from her late husband. He wasn’t as
handsome or as brawny as Pierre had been, but he was devilishly,
‘naughty boy’ gorgeous with a body that was toned and sylph-like in
    Sylvain regarded Sophie again in surprise.
She was definitely not in the best of moods as her eyes shot
daggers at him while she sat in sullen silence. Instead of being
irritated by it, he found it amusing and decided to give it a prod.
“Ah, but then V could say that because she spoke from experience.
You cannot, which is something that can most certainly be remedied ma petite chérie .” Sylvain noted her lips pressed in
disapproval again at the mention of the kiss V and he had shared in
front of their friends. The kiss had not been one that stemmed from
lust, although it had been enjoyable. Sylvain had used the kiss as
the quickest means of providing V with the secret to locating the
bayou fae hollow. He’d literally transferred the information from
tongue to tongue.
    When Sophie didn’t succumb to his goading, he
pushed a bit further. “You get up on the wrong side of the bed,
Sophie? Back to Miss Suzette’s earlier point, a beautiful woman,
left long unattended by a man will succumb more easily to well …
petulance. Maybe you should experience this man-whore for yourself.
It might make you rise and shine instead of rise and screech.”
    Sophie observed Miss Suzette’s shoulders
shake in silent laughter and bit out, “Miss Suzette, you might just
as well let that out. I can see that you’re enjoying this.”
    “Well, boo,” Miss Suzette got out in between
barks of laughter, “looks like you met your match. Someone to
rattle you up a bit, and I’m darned if I can find fault with his
    Sophie glared at the woman she was usually
fond of, then turned that glower onto Sylvain, unaware that her
eyes had turned vampire red or that her pearly white fangs had
descended from annoyance. “Sylvain,” she began in a venom-laced
tone, “I do not need a man, and if I did, it would not be you. I do
not date jackasses.”
    “What dating?” Miss Suzette grumbled quite
audibly. “Haven’t seen any dating.”
    “Who said anything about dating? Surely
you’re not still living in the colonial times? Ever heard of a
one-night stand?” Sylvain countered. “I’m just talking about
getting you out of your filthy mood with a good roll in the
sheets.” Sylvain quirked an eyebrow in mock seriousness at her
glare, “Bed doesn’t suit you? I’ll leave the choice of

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