Supernatural Seduction (Book 2 of the Coffin Girls Series)
environment to the lady - pleasurable release can be found in many
ways and many places.”
    “For your information, Sylvain,” Sophie rose
up majestically from the table, moving around it to tower over him
where he sat nonchalantly sipping his coffee, “my mood has nothing
to do with intimacy as you infer. I had a nightmare. One, which I
was trying to forget, but by harping on about the cause of my ‘bad
mood’, you’ve now, thankfully reminded me of it again. And,” Sophie
barked, noticing the sudden concern that vibrated off the other
woman, “you’ve got Miss Suzette worried about it too—something that
irritates me even more.”
    As glad as Sylvain was at getting to the crux
of her bad temper, he felt guilty knowing that he helped re-ignite
the pain he saw flashing in her eyes. The pink-tinged tears that
pooled in their depths nearly unhinged him. Fighting the urge to
hold and comfort her, he dropped his shield a bit and let the
concern he felt for her through. He also didn’t want her to think
that he was the jackass she’d called him earlier. “I’m sorry,
Sophie. I didn’t mean to cause you pain. I just wanted you to admit
to what was bothering you. You’re always so poised and serene, but
not this morning. As a friend, I was concerned.”
    Sophie ignored the tender apology and the
care she felt coming from him. “Well, now you know. Mission
accomplished,” she replied defensively.
    “No,” responded Sylvain stopping her from
leaving, “my mission is not complete." Throwing caution to the
wind, he took both her hands in his, disregarding the jolt of
awareness. “I’m sorry I prompted a painful memory. You’re an empath
Sophie, a largely untrained one. There are those amongst the fae
who possess that gift, too. From what I’ve seen, if not properly
managed, it can turn into a curse.”
    “You’re preaching to the converted here,
Sylvain,” Sophie butted in.
    Sylvain nodded, “I’m aware of that.”
Extending an arm out to hers, he requested, “Let me explain.”
Sophie barely masked her agitation, but kept quiet. Taking that as
a sign of acquiescence, he continued, “Nightmares are symptomatic
of untutored empaths who have not yet learned how to cope with all
the negative emotions flooding them. I’m making assumptions here,
but if that is the case, then it must be dealt with before it deals
    “I’ve always had nightmares,” Sophie
interjected, “but they do become more prominent during traumatic
    “Let me guess,” Sylvain stated. “It’s the
traumatic experiences of others that bring them up. The nightmares
are so vivid they could be real and sometimes they dig up a past
that you’d rather forget?”
    “How do you know?” Sophie asked.
    “I’ve been around for a long time, Sophie.
I’ve seen and heard many things – I know a bit about empaths,”
Sylvain shrugged, “Like I said, some of the fae have empathic
abilities. It is necessary that I understand those that I lead. It
was a wild guess that that was what was going on with you when I
saw you this morning. I put two and two together, as they say.”
    Not one to be angry for long, Sophie sat
down. She grudgingly admitted that what he said held some truth.
Until two months ago, she’d lived in blissful ignorance with her
vampire sisters. They’d all known that they weren’t the garden
variety vampire because they could function fully in daylight, had
to eat human food as well as feed on blood and had unexplained,
decidedly non-vampire powers. Her empathic ability was one of those
powers. Then along came Sylvain, Conall, and their friend, Niul.
The entrance of those men in their lives had led to one
misadventure after another until they’d ended up finding out that
they all were in fact witch-vampires with untapped, untrained
powers. They were a rarity within the paranormal world. Sophie had
always known she had witch’s powers, because her mother had held
the same. She also knew that her

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