we will turn to the main case, which is that the takeoff involves machine intelligence; and there we find that recalcitrance at the critical juncture seems low.
Non-machine intelligence paths
Cognitive enhancement via improvements in public health and diet has steeply diminishing returns. 3 Big gains come from eliminating severe nutritional deficiencies, and the most severe deficiencies have already been largely eliminated in all but the poorest countries. Only girth is gained by increasing an already adequate diet. Education, too, is now probably subject to diminishing returns. The fraction of talented individuals in the world who lack access to quality education is still substantial, but declining.
Pharmacological enhancers might deliver some cognitive gains over the coming decades. But after the easiest fixes have been accomplished—perhaps sustainable increases in mental energy and ability to concentrate, along with better control over the rate of long-term memory consolidation—subsequent gains will be increasingly hard to come by. Unlike diet and public health approaches, however, improving cognition through smart drugs might get easier before it gets harder. The field of neuropharmacology still lacks much of the basic knowledgethat would be needed to competently intervene in the healthy brain. Neglect of enhancement medicine as a legitimate area of research may be partially to blame for this current backwardness. If neuroscience and pharmacology continue to progress for a while longer without focusing on cognitive enhancement, then maybe there would be some relatively easy gains to be had when at last the development of nootropics becomes a serious priority. 4
Genetic cognitive enhancement has a U-shaped recalcitrance profile similar to that of nootropics, but with larger potential gains. Recalcitrance starts out high while the only available method is selective breeding sustained over many generations, something that is obviously difficult to accomplish on a globally significant scale. Genetic enhancement will get easier as technology is developed for cheap and effective genetic testing and selection (and particularly when iterated embryo selection becomes feasible in humans). These new techniques will make it possible to tap the pool of existing human genetic variation for intelligence-enhancing alleles. As the best existing alleles get incorporated into genetic enhancement packages, however, further gains will get harder to come by. The need for more innovative approaches to genetic modification may then increase recalcitrance. There are limits to how quickly things can progress along the genetic enhancement path, most notably the fact that germline interventions are subject to an inevitable maturational lag: this strongly counteracts the possibility of a fast or moderate takeoff. 5 That embryo selection can only be applied in the context of in vitro fertilization will slow its rate of adoption: another limiting factor.
The recalcitrance along the brain–computer path seems initially very high. In the unlikely event that it somehow becomes easy to insert brain implants and to achieve high-level functional integration with the cortex, recalcitrance might plummet. In the long run, the difficulty of making progress along this path would be similar to that involved in improving emulations or AIs, since the bulk of the brain–computer system’s intelligence would eventually reside in the computer part.
The recalcitrance for making networks and organizations
in general
more efficient is high. A vast amount of effort is going into overcoming this recalcitrance, and the result is an annual improvement of humanity’s total capacity by perhaps no more than a couple of percent. 6 Furthermore, shifts in the internal and external environment mean that organizations, even if efficient at one time, soon become ill-adapted to their new circumstances. Ongoing reform effort is thus required even just to prevent
Mina Carter, J.William Mitchell