Strictland Academy

Read Strictland Academy for Free Online

Book: Read Strictland Academy for Free Online
Authors: Breanna Hayse, Carolyn Faulkner
as to what to expect during their opprobrious ordeal.   The absence of an intact hymen in both
women led the old physician to conclude that they had sullied themselves on
some Rejected man's cock, and were thus subjected to a thorough gynecological
exam, complete with Pap smears.
her turn came, April trembled visibly, for his conclusion had been wrong.   Years of climbing rooftops to escape
small gangs of thieves had left her without the barrier.   She began to sob as she was prepared for
the speculum.   Despite her slight
form and physically small, extremely tight opening, the doctor used the same
sized speculum for her as he had for Molly.   His only concession to her size was that
a larger amount of lube was applied and he took his time introducing it into
her.   April blubbered and pleaded,
her restrained body protesting the invasion.
    “ Come
now, Compton.   You're making a
mountain out of a molehill.   Young
Petry didn't carry on like this.   She took her examination – at least this part, anyway – quietly.   You should look to her example, ” he scolded, as he opened the speculum blades, feeling
her unwilling body yield.   "You
obviously gave it away to some man already.   I am sorry, but this is the price you
pay here for being slutty, Compton.   It does not hurt if you relax."
cries rose to a fever pitch.   Before
she'd expended her first loud lungful, she was gagged with a mouthful of dry
bandage material, secured with a wide layer of medical tape.   Dr. Krouse pulled the device from
April's body and stepped back as a woman barged into the examination room,
using his body to block the younger man from interfering.   It was the same woman who had promised
to keep an eye out for April's “ rebellious
spirit."   But instead of a
rescue, April was splayed helplessly on her tummy and her backside thrashed
heavily with a ruler-shaped paddle similar to that belonging to Attendant
Matron paddled poor April with gusto, delivering more swats to the girl's
behind in the space of a few seconds than any of the three girls had received
in all of their corrections combined.   There was no sign of stopping as she lectured, "Slut fornicators
don't have any right in this institution to complain in any way about their
treatment.   You will submit to
whatever it is that the doctor — or   anyone else in authority
over you — wants to do to you, without question, and most certainly without
Dr. Wells was able to physically bypass the other man's tank-like body, April
was clearly defeated, slumping in wordless, sobbing submission as her body gave
into the punishing blows raining down onto her bedraggled behind.   Dr. Wells was finally able to push past
Dr.   Krouse and stepped between the
matron and her victim.   He snatched
the paddle out of her hand, snapping the wicked instrument in half before
throwing it to the floor.
action is abusive and completely unnecessary!   The child is terrified and has obviously
never undergone this type of evaluation before, regardless of what you think
her sexual encounters have been.   What you are imposing upon her is not reform, you stupid twit!   Just what the bloody hell do you think
she would remember out of this experience?   You preach self-control, but you teach cruelty and hatred.   This must stop now!"
broad-shouldered Attendant Angela peered down her nose from a height one inch
taller than the man's 5'10" frame.   "As a newcomer to our institution, it will take some time for you
to understand and embrace our rehabilitation methods.   These girls are criminals, with no
respect for, or fear of, either authority or consequences.   We are determined to make an imprint in
their heart and minds that Strictland is a place where they will never want to
return to, and that the placement with a husband is much more preferable to
being here.   We make that impact
where nature intended, upon the very

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