My Decadent Demon (My Demon Trilogy, Book 1)

Read My Decadent Demon (My Demon Trilogy, Book 1) for Free Online

Book: Read My Decadent Demon (My Demon Trilogy, Book 1) for Free Online
Authors: Nikita Jakz, Alicia Dawn
she scoured her wardrobe, searching for something more human-like. She’d need to blend in, after all, and her dazzling angelic gowns just simply wouldn’t do.
    After a few frustrating moments, she decided to get inventive. Creating an outfit should not be too difficult.  She recalled the women’s attire who had so easily garnered rapt Cole’s attention that night at the club. She snarled at the thought, before promptly manifesting a two-piece, black leather ensemble. The fitted jacket and skin-hugging slacks felt divine. Who knew animal hide was so unbelievably soft?  Next she slid on a pair of burgundy, five-inch heels, a happy purr emerging at what they did to her calves. If Cole thought her legs were divine before…
    She paused to frown. No, this outfit was not for him. It was merely to help her blend in.
    With a nod, she gave herself a quick inspection in the closet’s full-length mirror. She looked spectacular if she did say so herself.
    Removing her jacket so as not to hinder flight, she draped it over her arm. Only a slinky, low-backed camisole covered her beneath. As ready as she’d ever be, she inhaled deep, squared her shoulders, then turned and marched to her balcony doors. 
    Majestic wings emerged on cue, snapping wide to expand to their fifteen-foot width.  A gentle breeze sent stands of chocolate flittering across her face. She smiled, her heart racing with a nticipation. And then she was descending, lower and lower from the heavenly atmosphere, heading back to a place she hadn’t seen in a hundred years. A place called New York City.
    Still whistling under his breath, Cole walked along, checking out shop windows in the breaks between passing human herds.  He stopped, spotting a male was selling drugs to a teenager. Narrowing his eyes at the two, he waited for his moment. The teenager eventually took off, scurrying down the busy sidewalk as he stuffed his purchase deep into his pocket. Cole snapped his fingers and the kid’s drugs instantly appeared in Cole’s hand. As he looked down at the crap, he couldn’t for the life of him get why humans needed such things to escape from their everyday realities. He snorted humorlessly. Try living in hell for a day...
    A second quick snap and the baggie disappeared.
    His gaze slid over to the dealer as he pulled a cigar from his coat. No need for a lighter when he had ‘Bic-magic’ at his fingertips. With a smirk, he walked over to the male, letting him -and no one else- see Cole’s true demonic form. The guy gaped, paling as he started to sputter, asking who Cole was and what he wanted. Cole shook his head. “Shits like you need a life.”
    One last time he snapped his fingers, mystically vacuuming the asshole’s body into a tiny, little black box. Tucking it into his coat pocket, he smiled, and resumed his stroll down the sidewalk.
    Sera descended gracefully toward Earth, concealed in angelic invisibility. The moment she touched down, her wings shimmered away, the sound of their flapping replaced by her heels clicking along the filthy concrete. Chin held high, she re-donned her jacket, then emerged onto the bustling Manhattan street.
    Keen eyes took in her surroundings. As she navigated through the sporadic clusters of humans, she regarded them with a curious smile. There was so much to hear and see, touch and smell. She didn’t remember the city being so stimulating. Inside, her stomach flittered with anxious, eager butterflies.
    She frowned, searching every male, unable to find the one she was looking for. Strange, she had seen Cole traveling this way not too long ago…
      And then she spotted him . What was Cole doing conversing with a questionable looking human? Was it demon related business? Curiosity growing, she paused to hone in on their conversation. Angelically enhanced hearing was perfect for moments such as these.
    A moment later, her head tilted in pleasant surprise. He was targeting a corrupt soul, ridding mankind of the

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