Star Force: Bahamut (SF86) (Star Force Origin Series)
and tactics. And now you tell me that we have been fools this entire time? We
are not dominant…we are not even relevant? ”
    “ No, you’re not.
And even Star Force’s technology level wouldn’t draw their attention if it
weren’t for our death mark .”
    “ How many more
years do you require before you can attain what they had in their past? ”
    “ It’s been
uncertain from the beginning. We relearn some aspects quicker than others. A
few hundred years, perhaps another millennia .”
    “ And then it
will still not be a fair fight? ”
    “ We have no way
of knowing how much further they have advanced, but even if they did not, they
have numbers that we cannot contend with .”
    “ Some of which
much contain these beasts? ”
    “ Some, but they
would have no trouble rousing enough to overwhelm us .”
    “ If they knew
your strength. If they underestimated it, they would send too few and you would
stand a chance of a short victory. Over time they would send more, then you
would be in an untenable position. Evacuation prior to their discovery of you
is your only long term solution .”
    “ That’s what the
reality of the situation is .”
    “ And yet you
stay .”
    “ The only way we
can best them is to best them ,” Paul said dubiously. “ Not with numbers, but with quality. We have to be better than them, and
we’re not going to get better by hiding out and running. As you well know, war
experience is extremely valuable. Theoretical simulations can only take you so
far .”
    “ And? ”
    “ Doing the right
thing can’t be postponed. There are people here, now, who need our help. We
won’t sacrifice them in the short term to extend the long term concerns. If we
are to die, we will die with honor as protectors…not fleeing survivors who
would abandon others to grim fates to preserve ourselves. ”
    “ Your affinity
for death over dishonor is the same as our own, except ours seems to have been
twisted. ”
    “ And yet you are
untwisting it .”
    “ With your
considerable assistance .”
    “ You needed a
nudge. But only you could decide to think and not slit your throat as all the
others have done or would do .”
    “ I tried, but you
took my claws .”
    “ And after you
grew them back? ”
    “ By then I had
time to think .”
    “ And what are
you thinking now with regards to your honor? ”
    “ It has been
vested in following the orders of the templars, but it has always been to our
civilization. The templars are the embodiment of it. Through them we grow,
defend ourselves, and bring order to a chaotic galaxy. ”
    “ By killing all
of the people in it? ”
    “ I would blame
the blocks, but in truth I should have seen the futility of that long ago .”
    “ That’s what the
blocks are there to do…keep you from seeing things .”
    “ We are meant to
be protectors. I can feel it now. As you said, untwisting that which was in us
all along. We are meant to fight. To fight for a purpose .”
    “ And the
templars? ”
    “ The more I
learn the more I believe they have deliberately corrupted that purpose to their
own gains, so much so that I do not know what it is. It is there, though, just
outside the reach of my mind. Your honor runs parallel to it .”
    “ And combat
clarifies it? ”
    “ Without full
understanding, yes, it seems to .”
    Paul closed his eyes for a moment, still mentally
holding in check the other lizards around them. “ Then observe the true enemy and tell me what your hidden purpose drives
you to do .”
    Suddenly there was a flood of images and knowledge pouring
into the mastermind’s thoughts. They didn’t stop coming, more and more until he
lost track of the time as his superior intellect rapidly soaked them up as he
came to see the V’kit’no’sat for what they truly were, race for race, battle
after battle.
    The Hadarak, the Zen’zat, the Zak’de’ron who they overthrew. Millennia after millennia holding the deep core border and
expanding their

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