Star Force: Bahamut (SF86) (Star Force Origin Series)
trying to trick or
leverage Star Force into disadvantageous positions…as if Davis were a newb and couldn’t see through these guys even without his
    He’d turned down their request for an embassy in the
Solar System, instructing them that they could build one in Epsilon Eridani
like everyone else, and he thought they were dragging out negotiations here
trying to get that decision reversed. Fortunately that meant they were still
here when the alert had come in, so he’d have a chance to wring the information
out of the Sety envoy personally.

    “ You requested
my counsel? ” the Sety said as he walked into a small conference room where
Davis was waiting for him, not affording any of the representatives access to
his office.
    “ I was told by
your people to ask you for information regarding a matter in this star system ,”
Davis said, activating a holographic map. “ It
has no name in our database, nor the Li’vorkrachnika’s, but at present the Sety
have a large warfleet there in addition to those of 9 other races including the
Li’vorkrachnika…and they are not fighting each other .”
    “ I was informed
that we had recently annexed a system within Li’vorkrachnika borders, and I
believe it is this system, but I do not know what other vessels would be with
them, and I sincerely doubt that the Li’vorkrachnika would allow our presence
without throwing themselves into a suicidal frenzy .”
    Davis silently brought up the recordings from the
Ma’kri showing the various fleets.
    “ As you can see,
I am not making this up. Your ships are there, in league with the
Li’vorkrachnika and others. We’ve identified one race as the Trinx. The others
are unknown to us. Explain this .”
    “ I cannot. I do
not know the nature of our business there, only the annexation of the system .”
    “ My ship was
specifically told to refer the matter to this delegation, and you’re telling me
you have no information to give me? ”
    “ I’m afraid I do
not. I can tell you that two of those races are known to me. They are the Domu and Chamra. We have relations with them but they are
not part of The Nexus and live far beyond our borders. ”
    “ Take note ,”
Davis said as he advanced the timeline on the recordings, “ that this allied fleet fired upon my ship when it didn’t leave the
system as instructed. The Sety are part of that fleet, therefore I need
answers. ”
    The envoy stared at the images for a moment. “ I do not know what to tell you. I know of no
reason why our fleet would be at cross purposes with yours. What did your ship
do? ”
    “ It moved in to
take a closer scan of the planet and found this ,” Davis said, showing him
the enhanced subterranean image. “ A large
object, sensor stealthed , that the combined fleet
seems to be excavating in conjunction with the Li’vorkrachnika .”
    “ Curious indeed .”
    “ Curious doesn’t
cut it. That fleet said to ask you, now you’re telling me you have no answers? ”
Davis reiterated.
    “ I do not .”
    “ Then we were
deliberately told to ask you in order to waste our time. When you are here to
discuss matters of greater cooperation, such insulting tactics do not help your
case .”
    “ I cannot
control our fleet. They do not answer to me .”
    “ Why would that many
ships be there? What could possibly pry them away from your territory? I know
you’re overtaxed, don’t try to deny it, so what would justify stripping that
many warships away from other priorities? ”
    “ Again, I do not
know .
    “ And how long do
you think it would take to get me some answers? ”
    “ A message would
have to be sent back via courier ship. It would take a minimum of 3 months. ”
    “ And I’m
guessing the answer would be that they didn’t know as well, which will have
just wasted three more months of my time ,” Davis said angrily. “ Do you have any objection to us going back
and asking the fleet ourselves? ”
    “ I would caution

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