Stalin's Daughter

Read Stalin's Daughter for Free Online

Book: Read Stalin's Daughter for Free Online
Authors: Rosemary Sullivan
Archives and Records Administration, College Park, MD.
    CIA DB: CIA Crest Database, NARA, College Park, MD.
    LBJL, NSF: LBJ Presidential Library, National Security File, Intelligence File, Svetlana Alliluyeva.
    RRL: Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, FG 002, Peters, Lana.
    FBI: Federal Bureau of Investigation, Freedom of Information Act Request, Svetlana Alliluyeva née Svetlana Stalina, 1967–1985.
    GARF: Gosudarstvennyi arkhiv Rossiiskoi Federatsii (State Archive of the Russian Federation).
    RGASPI: Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi arkhiv sotsial’no-politicheskoi istorii (Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History).
    MEM: Arkhiv mezhdunarodnogo obshchestva “Memorial” (Archive of the Memorial Society International).
    NAUK: National Archives, United Kingdom, Foreign Office, Defectors, Soviet Union, Svetlana Stalin.
    AMIG: Archive of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Tbilisi, Georgia.
    Katherina von Fraunhofer-Kosinski Collection of Jerzy Kosinski, Mark Weinbaum Papers, and Edmund Wilson Papers: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library (BRB), Yale University.
    Letters of Isaiah Berlin, copyright © The Trustees of the Isaiah Berlin Literary Trust (IBLT) 2015, quoted with the permission of the Trustees.
    Meryle Secrest Collection, Hoover Institution Archives (HIA).
    George F. Kennan Papers (MC076), 1871–2005 (mostly 1950–2000), Public Policy Papers, Department of Rare Books and Special Collections, Princeton University Library (PUL).
    Louis Fischer Papers (MC024), 1890–1977 (mostly 1935–1969), Public Policy Papers, Department of Rare Books and Special Collections, Princeton University Library (PUL).
    Malcolm Muggeridge Papers, Special Collections, Wheaton College, Illinois (WCSC).
    Muzei-kvartira Alliluyevykh (Apartment Museum of the Alliluyevs), Saint Petersburg.
    Muzei “Dom na naberezhnoi” (House on the Embankment Museum), Moscow.
    Moskovskaia obraztsovaia shkola 25 (Shkola 175) [Moscow Model School 25 (School 175)].
    Istoriko-memorial’nyi muzei “Smol’nyi” (Smolny Historical and Memorial Museum), Saint Petersburg.
    Joseph Stalin Museum, Gori, Georgia.
    Private Collections
    Letters from Alliluyeva in private collections (PC) of correspondents: Mary Burkett, Philippa Hill, Donald Jameson, Linda Kelly, Joan Kennan, Nina Lobanov-Rostovsky, Thomas Miller, Robert and Ramona Rayle, Rosa Shand, the Harper & Row Archive, and the HarperCollins Collection.

    Alliluyev, Vladimir. Khronika odnoi sem’i: Alliluyevy—Stalin [Chronicle of One Family: Alliluyevs—Stalin] Moscow: Molodaia Gvardiia, 1995, 2002.
    Alliluyeva, Anna, and Sergei Alliluyev. The Alliluyev Memoirs: Recollections of Svetlana Stalina’s Maternal Aunt Anna Alliluyeva and Her Grandfather Sergei Alliluyev , trans. David Tutaev. New York: Putnam’s, 1967.
    Alliluyeva, Kyra. Plemiannitsa Stalina [Stalin’s Niece]. Moscow: Vagrius, 2006.
    Alliluyeva, Svetlana. “Book for Granddaughters,” unpublished typescript in English. Svetlana Peters II: General File, Hoover Institution Archives. Kniga dlia vnuchek: puteshestvie na rodinu [A Book for Granddaughters: Journey to the Motherland]. New York: Liberty Publishing House, 1991.
    ———. The Faraway Music. New Delhi: Lancer International, 1984. Dalekaia muzyka. New York: Liberty Publishing House, 1988.
    ———. “Letter to Ehrenburg, 7 August 1957,” reprinted in Boris Frezinski, Pisateli i Sovetskie vozhdi [Writers and Soviet Leaders]. Moscow: Ellis Lak, 2008.
    ———. Only One Year , trans. Paul Chavchavadze. New York: Harper & Row, 1969. Tol’ko odin god. New York: Harper Colophon Books, 1969.
    ———. “To Boris Leonidovich Pasternak,” trans. Max Hayward. Atlantic 219, no. 6 (June 1967): 133–40.
    ———. Twenty Letters to a Friend , trans. Priscilla Johnson McMillan. New York: Harper & Row, 1967. Dvadtsat’ pisem k drugu. London: Hutchinson, 1967.
    Amin, Kamal. Reflections

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