and wouldn’t be a part of it or sink to Bryce’s level. She hoped that they could talk reasonably and put the issues to rest.
He was the one who started it all and made her think of the single mother route. Now he wanted to bully her into a marriage neither of them wanted. Tawny wanted to stay, but Isa asked her to leave, knowing it would only exacerbate the situation. Her best friend had revealed she’d gone back to see Bryce that night after she told him about the pregnancy. Tawny told her about their conversation even the part where he pinned her arms. Tawny said he was trying to make a point, but Isa could only see the fact that it was Tawny he’d wanted in his bed in the first place. It was all a big mess and went back to her regretting the one night she gave into instinct without thinking.
Isa chose not to see the baby growing in her as a mistake. She knew how that felt and it would not happen to her baby.
When her buzzer rang and she had to go downstairs to unlock the gate, the nervousness made her stomach do somersaults. The stairs to their upstairs apartment in the French Quarter was on the outside of the building. She went down the iron steps to the gate and turned the key. For a moment, she just stared at the dark-haired devil. Bryce’s intense blue eyes t stared back her and his firm lips that ravaged her senses didn’t even hold a hint of a smile. Isa hesitated, not knowing if she could handle the confrontation with him, but then pulled the tall barrier open. The familiar creak of rusted hinges sounded ominous to her ears. Isa turned and went back up the stairs.
“You can’t be coming up and down these things as the pregnancy progresses,” he said. “I’m sure that won’t be an issue when you move into the mansion.”
Isa chose not to answer or show him how his words enflamed panic. Bryce entered the apartment behind her and closed the door. The soft click reminded her they were very alone.
“Would you like coffee or maybe sweet tea?” Isa asked.
“I’m fine,” Bryce answered.
“You can sit anywhere you like,” she said.
“I’m sure you’ll try to sit as far away from me as possible,” he commented as he chose the armchair.
“I’m sure you understand why.” Isa sat on the farthest side of the sofa.
“So what’s your answer to my question?” Bryce asked without preliminaries. “Marriage.”
“Why do you want to marry me other than the fact that you want to make me suffer from what we’ll call our indiscretion?” Isa asked.
“It’s not about making you suffer,” Bryce answered, and she was surprised by the gentleness in his voice.
“Then what? It’s not me you want, it’s Tawny. You whispered her name after know,” Isa replied. “She told me she went to talk to you and you basically made it known it was her you wanted. Why try to shackle yourself to me and a child you don’t want?”
“I asked her a question. I wanted to see if she was plan B in your ruse to get money.” Bryce folded his hands on his crossed legs.
“And if she had said yes, you’d have fucked her,” Isa said callously, and hated the fact that she felt jealous by the words alone.
“I’m not that much of a slave to my dick,” Bryce retorted. “You may have believed that when we started, and now you see the truth of it.”
“I don’t want your money, Bryce. I never did. Went to a party because I was just off a six month tour on a ship and Tawny wanted me to get out of the apartment. I’d have been happy in here in my room with a book, but I went to appease her.” Isa said tiredly. “You owe me nothing, you owe this child nothing. Just walk away.”
“Then I wouldn’t be the man I am.” Bryce sighed. “I came off like a jackass, demanding, threatening to destroy your life, and I don’t honestly know if I can trust you.”
“Then why do this?” Isa pleaded. “Why bring me into a situation where you’ll always have doubts?”
He gave a coarse laugh.