South Row

Read South Row for Free Online

Book: Read South Row for Free Online
Authors: Ghiselle St. James
An actor? An athlete? A fucking dream? I guess all of those rolled into one would make the Collin I see now in his dark jeans, black button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up, black boots, light scruff on his face giving him a dark edge, and his short, ash brown hair now ruffled by the commotion he’d caused. He is, hands down, the most ruggedly handsome man I’ve ever seen. He’s not a pretty boy, but he’s not rough around the edges either. A wet dream, is what he is. Collin’s hot, he’s delectable, he’s… Jesus .
    No, he’s not Jesus. I’m just saying… damn!
    I am breathing hard and not just from dancing. My pussy is doing flips of joy right now and my heart? Well, let’s just say it’s feeling again. Collin, my Collin , is here…in front of me.
    “ What are we doin’, Sunshine?” Vince asks, and for a moment I forget my own stage name. “You know the policy. They touch, they’re out.”
    “I know him,” I say softly, still mesmerized by his stare.
    Those brown eyes with the green edging have always haunted me. The way he looked at me as he took my virginity was so damned intense. It made me feel like he loved me in that moment. The way he’s looking at me now, I can’t even read it completely. What I do pick up is his shock and disbelief.
    “ It could be your daddy, shorty. Rules are rules,” Andre informs me, as if I don’t know that.
    I turn a pissed off gaze at him. I hate when he calls me shorty. I am not one of those hoes that hang off his black ass each night , though he wants me to be. Don’t get me wrong, he’s fine. So damn handsome and sexy, and that smile…sweet baby Jesus, that smile presses a lot of my hot buttons. But Andre treats women like he does trash. He doesn’t harbor them. And since I don’t want to kick a man’s ass – because you bet your sweet ass I’d kick his sexy, black tush from here all the way back to Atlanta where he’s from – I stay out of his sexy clutches.
    “Dude, don’t piss her off,” Jesse warns, a little scared.
    Big Jesse knows me. I don’t take shit, I give it. They all work very hard to please me at Totem seeing as I rake in so many paying customers. The women here don’t dare try to cross me, because I’m not afraid to fuck a bitch up or make her lose her job.
    When I just got here, Sanya Storm was the hot dancer in the place. Everybody either wanted her or wanted to be her. Not me. The more spots I got, the more she thought she could intimidate me. The heifer didn’t see it coming. I was the nice, sweet, peppy South, but she didn’t know I had claws. I ripped that bitch a new one when she started sabotaging my sets and my wardrobe, and I sure gained respect both from the other girls and the bouncers. Now look where I am. I am a fucking headliner. And where is she? I don’t give a fuck.
    “What the fuck is goin’ on out here?” Trace, the owner, storms over to us.
    His face instantly softens when he sees me. Trace is sweet on me and not just because I make him money. Even though he’s married, he wants to be my man. But telling Trace no is like saying maybe…he just never gives up. Trace is handsome. He’s got curly black hair, blue eyes, pouty lips and a dimpled chin. He is tall and muscular, but… just not your type , the voice pipes up in my head. There’s your type right in front of you.
    I face Collin once again and all the air whooshes out of me as I meet his intense stare. He disarms me in the most delicious way.
    “We caught this idiot,” Vince speaks up referring to Collin, “Charging for the stage, but before he could harm her, we restrained him.”
    “He wouldn’ t hurt me,” I defend, at the same time Collin says, “I wouldn’t hurt her.”
    We snap our gazes to each other and I see him gasp as I trap him in my eyes. A fire between us crackles and I want it to be us again …alone…giving and taking from each other. I gave him more than my seal of innocence that night.
    I gave him my heart.

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