Solaria - S1

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Book: Read Solaria - S1 for Free Online
Authors: Fran Heckrotte
Tags: Science-Fiction, Lesbian
security between Future Dynamicon and the outside world. No one came or went without being noticed since they had to take the only road around the lake to gain access to the main offices. It kept out unwanted intruders. An unwanted intruder was anyone that didn't work at the Company unless they were invited by Stalling.


    S OLARIA WAS CONFUSED, an uncomfortable sensation considering it was becoming a regular occurrence; especially when she thought about her recent reaction during her last examination. As a Hubot, she thought she was incapable of feelings. Now she wasn't so sure. Something was changing in her data processors to cause her body to behave in a totally illogical manner. It wasn't logical but she couldn't come up with a reasonable explanation for it yet.
    Putting the magazine on the desk next to her, the Hubot switched her attention to the woman fumbling with one of the lab computers.
    "Can I help you with something?" she asked, walking over to stand next to Carley.
    Looking up, Carley smiled and nodded.
    "You'd think after all these years, I'd learn how to operate these things," she confessed, "considering I'm an AI expert."
    "I have to agree it doesn't seem logical that you can write complex programs for computers but have problems operating them," Solaria agreed. "Is this a test?"
    "Test? What makes you think that?" Carley asked, surprised by the question.
    "Is not the purpose of my existence to aid humans and provide relief from stressful conditions?"
    "Well, yes, but you're more than that. Hopefully, you'll be able to integrate yourself amongst the normal population and eventually establish your own life."
    Had Carley been looking at Solaria, she would have been surprised at the skeptical smile that appeared on the Hubot's face.
    "I don't believe my investors would be so willing to let one of their most expensive projects wander around freely."
    "Oh, I don't know, Solaria. Future Dynamicon has big plans for developing a whole line of Hubots to assist people. Once we're sure there are no glitches, we can start mass production. In a few years there'll be thousands of them similar to you out there co-mingling with humans."
    Silence followed. Carley glanced at Solaria. At that moment, she wished she could read minds. Although totally expressionless, Carley sensed her comment had disturbed Solaria.
    "The thought bothers you?"
    "That would be a human reaction," Solaria replied, her voice expressionless.
    "You didn't answer my question."
    "I don't understand why you want to create something that serves no real purpose. Humans can do everything Hubots would be doing. You already have robots that assist in everyday lives and dangerous jobs. We would be redundant."
    "I know it's hard for you to understand right now but it's just the way we are. Our very nature makes us want to continually move forward... to improve on what we already have. It's just the way we are."
    "How does creating a race of servants move humanity forward? Your history has proven time and again that too much free time is the major reason for most social unrest."
    "I can't argue that point, but we're not talking about servants."
    "Is there another word that's more appropriate?"
    "Well, assistants or companions sound better."
    Even as she said it, Carley knew it sounded weak. From Solaria's angle, Hubots would be servants if they were created to serve humanity; especially if they had no choice. It was logical.
    "Hubots would be more like..." Carley couldn't think of an adequate word or phrase to describe their purpose. In fact, she had been so caught up in the concept of creating a Hubot, she failed to consider what would happen once she accomplished her goal.
    Solaria waited patiently for Carley to finish her thought.
    "Maybe we should continue this discussion later," Carley said, feeling inadequate.
    "Have I said

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