Solaria - S1

Read Solaria - S1 for Free Online

Book: Read Solaria - S1 for Free Online
Authors: Fran Heckrotte
Tags: Science-Fiction, Lesbian
became CEO of one of the most powerful companies in the world, they were ecstatic, having succeeded in their goal. Now they impatiently awaited the fruits of their labor.
    It was only a matter of time before the final stages of their plans were completed and the world would tremble at the new Messiah's feet, begging for mercy and forgiveness. Of course, Winston Stalling would be merciful, but only after he punished those who doubted his position as the Chosen. Men would regain the manliness they had lost with the birth of the women's rights movement. They would again become the leaders and providers. Women would bear their children and take care of the homes and their men as God had intended. The world would once again be on track to becoming unified as all other religions would be forever banned.
    Winston Stalling was the first to acknowledge that religious fanaticism spurred discontent amongst followers. The only way to insure peace and security in his newly formed world was to eliminate those who didn't believe in him. No one could argue the logic in having one universal belief. Why humanity hadn't realized this sooner only confirmed what he believed.
    *  *  *
    Thinking of the latest reports from several missions in Africa, Stalling smiled with satisfaction. Already he had established a strong foothold on two-thirds of the continent.
    Almost three hundred villagers knelt silently before the chieftain outside of his hut. The women and children were gathered in small groups on the periphery of the assembled group, banned from getting too close to the tribal leader. The men who had converted to the new religion, were allowed to enter the sanctum as long as it was done humbly and they could prove their faith was strong. Heads bowed respectfully, they awaited their chief's instructions. Azubuike motioned two men holding a third to come forward.
    "Tubuktu, you have not taken Chukwu into your heart. You do not follow the teachings of our glorious father, Reverend Talbert. He has helped our people find the one true God. Through him, we have found new hope and you will be saved. What have you to say?"
    "I follow the old beliefs," the man declared proudly, "Just as our ancestors did. I will not bow to this white man's false God!"
    Azubuike frowned and then clapped his hands together and signaled to the two guards to take Tubuktu away.
    "Your arrogance will wither and die like the wild rice when the sun bakes the lakes dry. Reverend Talbert brings proof of his power and will use you as the vessel to help other disbelievers. Take him to clinic," he ordered.
    Several groans arose from the kneeling followers but were quickly silenced by their Chief's angry expression.
    "Do not dare to anger our Savior. His ears and eyes are everywhere. You have food in your bellies; your children go to school, and we have medicine to treat your ills – all of this and more. Anger him and you will return to the old ways when you had to forage for food and watch your young die from starvation or disease. Is that what you want?"
    "No!" several voices yelled. "Praise be to Reverend Talbert. Praise be to our savior, Winston Stalling."
    Azubuike nodded his head happily. Most of his tribe were now devoted followers. The few doubters that remained were being weeded out and converted with the treatments supplied by the medical clinic a few miles from the village. Reverend Talbert paid a good price for disbelievers and the chief didn't have to worry about troublemakers. Already, Azubuike was richer than he ever imagined, thanks to the benevolence of Winston Stalling and his followers.
    *  *  *
    Picking up the phone, Stalling pressed several buttons and then spun his chair around to admire the scenic view through his picture window.
    Situated in a valley, mountains rose majestically from all directions. A large lake separated the installation from the city. The location provided an extra layer of

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