Silencing Eve

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Book: Read Silencing Eve for Free Online
Authors: Iris Johansen
Tags: thriller, Suspense, Mystery
leading to the porch of the cottage. “You need a break.”
    “You don’t know what I need. Let me go, Caleb.” Jane carefully kept her voice low to keep anyone around them from hearing as she tried to pull away from him. “What do you think you’re doing?”
    “I’m being kind and concerned and sympathetic. Can’t you tell?” He glanced across the crowd at Mark Trevor, who was nodding with agreement at something a guest was telling him. “Since Trevor is involved with doing all the right things like you are, I figured someone had to be the bad guy.” He smiled faintly, as he murmured, “And who does it better than I do?”
    “No one.” She glanced up at him. Dark eyes glittered recklessly from that strong, fascinating face. She was immediately aware of the animal magnetism and powerful sensuality that were parts of his basic personality. She always tried to ignore and block them out, but she seldom succeeded. Even now, his grip on her elbow was sending a tingling through her arm. “I’ve been surprised how tame you’ve been during the last week.”
    “Oh, I’m an excellent actor when I need to be. In this case, the need was yours, and I always try to meet your every desire.” His smile was fading. “Though I haven’t had an opportunity lately. Trevor has been covering you with that cloak of golden charm he drapes over you whenever he’s near. It’s hard to compete when I have no golden cloak, and you’re so wary of me.”
    “Golden cloak? That sounds like something from Disney. Bullshit.” She didn’t try to deny the last part of his sentence. They both knew she was wary of Caleb. She not only had an erotic response whenever she was around him, he was not like anyone she had ever known. Hell, he was probably not like anyone the majority of the population had ever known, she thought ruefully. That weird talent he possessed that allowed him to affect the flow of blood in those around him was bizarre and a little frightening. Eve had told her she had seen him kill a murderer with that talent a couple years ago. And Jane, herself, had experienced the hypnotic sexual aspect to that control of the blood.
    Yes, “wariness” was definitely the word for what she felt for Caleb. Among other more confused emotions. It was Caleb who had been there for her, flown her here from London, when she’d first become drawn into the nightmare of Eve’s kidnapping. He’d stayed with her after she’d been shot by Doane’s accomplice, and no one could have been more supportive during the hunt for Eve. He’d been very clear he wanted and intended to go to bed with her, but for the most part, he’d set lust aside and concentrated on helping her find Eve. “Trevor is just doing what I asked him to do. He’s making himself visible and adding to the authenticity. Which you are not doing, Caleb.”
    “I did my best. Making myself visible at occasions like this usually adds more of an air of disturbance rather than authenticity. People seem to sense that I’m out of place.” He shrugged. “As I said, your lover has the advantage of being able to charm birds off the trees.”
    “Trevor’s not my lover.”
    “Thank God. But he was your lover a few years ago, and he wants to be again.” He met her eyes. “But he’s missed his chance. He shouldn’t have let you go.”
    “He wouldn’t try to hold me if I didn’t want to be there. I go my own way, and we realized that it wasn’t working out.” They had reached the steps, and she stopped and looked up at him. “Not that it’s any of your business. I’ve warned you about that, Caleb.”
    “Just chitchat.” He tilted his head. “Now run up those steps and go take a rest. I’ll tell Joe where you are.”
    She gazed at him in astonishment. “I have no intention of leaving this memorial service. I only let you bring me here to avoid a scene.” She jerked her elbow away from him. She repeated the words she’d said before, “I go my own way. Step aside,

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