Shiver and Bright

Read Shiver and Bright for Free Online

Book: Read Shiver and Bright for Free Online
Authors: Viola Grace
Tags: Science-Fiction, Romance, Space Opera
tightly. “Not as interesting as chancellor, but it helps me find my locker.”
    He pulled back and she smelled blood. She had pierced his skin, and the shaking would move the sap through his system faster than he counted on.
    “This is my partner, Bright. We are the Citadel advance team.”
    The chancellor blinked. “Right. About that. The outpost property reverted to the Miikor government four years ago.”
    “I am afraid that it didn’t. Reversion was not in the original contract. This piece of rocky territory was handed over as unusable and unstrategic. There are warships two systems over that can enforce our claim if need be.”
    The chancellor’s pupils dilated.
    Shiver smiled politely. “Now, why don’t you want us here?”
    “You are a threat to my position.”
    She didn’t grin. The krisk sap worked as a truth agent. It simply convinced the infected person that they had no reason to lie. Everything they said was golden.
    The guards looked at each other but didn’t speak.
    “Why am I a threat to your position?”
    “The locals are fools. The government has managed to keep them pacified, but charismatic individuals make them look elsewhere for leadership.”
    Shiver nodded wisely. “We will help you. We will take two of yours in an effort to ease your burden. They will join the Citadel and offer assistance to members of the population with talents. Your support will make you look wise and benevolent.”
    “Miikor are not born with talents.” He scoffed but his eyes were unsure.
    “Of course they are. My research has shown me nine different talents in this very province. If they wish training, we want to offer it to them. Imagine being able to control the weather, put out forest fires, have disaster personnel who can dig through rock. They can and will be a boon to Miikor.”
    “How do you know this?”
    She smiled tightly. “I have done my research.”
    He swayed slightly. “Who do you want?”
    “I want Vice Chancellor Altair Newshot to resign his position and come here as an assistant coordinator to liaise with the locals. I also want a local cook for the Citadel.”
    He blinked. “You want him out of the government?”
    “He is a solid personality who can be moved here with no power to sway your people.”
    “Why him?”
    “Because he has been in the news, and you don’t need him. You can simply declare this an ambassadorial post and move him from one position to another.”
    The chancellor beamed and swayed. “Come to the capitol tomorrow. You can bring him back here with you.”
    She inclined her head. “It was good to meet you, Chancellor. Have a good evening.”
    He nodded, turned on his heel and pitched into the side of one of his guards.
    Bright came up to her side, and he took her right hand in his. “What was that sweet smell?”
    “Krisk sap. It acts to reduce inhibitions. Thanks for reminding me about the gloves, without the armour, he would have gotten me with the sap and I would have babbled like an idiot.”
    “Does it wash off?”
    She chuckled. “Yes, it does. Based on the timeline given, the Citadel should be complete by the time dawn rolls around?”
    “Then, I think we should get to sleep so that we can move in at dawn. I call the top bunk!”
    He chuckled, and they made their way back inside the shuttle with her hand held out in front of her. She headed for the lav and scrubbed off the sap.
    “It was good that you recognized the scent.”
    She smiled and dried her hand. “I ran into a krisk bush when I was a teenager and ended up ostracized for several months when everything I thought came out of my mouth for two days straight. I know the smell and the effect.”
    She pulled off the gloves, mask and shrugged out of the robes. Shiver stretched and checked the local vicinity. They were alone.
    She pulled her boots off and crawled up and onto the top bunk in the sleeping chamber. The higher position and suspension let her feel anything coming close.

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