Shiver and Bright

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Book: Read Shiver and Bright for Free Online
Authors: Viola Grace
Tags: Science-Fiction, Romance, Space Opera
armoured suit was imposing enough. Bright had a grim look to him, and it suited him, the blue of his eyes and hair would otherwise have given him a more frivolous look. Only black or grey was appropriate for Bright’s uniform.
    Nathaly held onto the grips on the wall as they approached the capitol, and as they landed, she muttered, “Show time. I hope this works.”
    “It will. Head high and remember that you are Shiver.”
    He stood and she gave him a quick kiss. “For luck. My luck.”
    He blinked rapidly, and for the first time, she felt his name of Strobe might have been earned.
    Chuckling, she headed for the hatch and opened the door, stepping out into the square and heading for the grand assembly hall where the chancellor had his offices.
    Political prisoners were held under the stone that she was walking on.
    Lady Lupik was waiting for them. Bright introduced them.
    “Lady Lupik, this is Shiver, my partner and the administrator of Citadel Miikor.”
    Shiver extended her hand to shake her godmother’s own. “You may recall my partner, but he has altered his name to Bright to suit his personality.”
    “Shiver. I can’t tell you how happy I am that you were able to get here so quickly.”
    “Nothing could have stopped me once I grasped the situation. Can you visit Rema Welling?”
    Lady Lupik ran a hand over her feathers, and to Shiver’s surprise, she recognized something her mind had been blurring. Bright was the same or a diluted version of Lupik’s species. The pearly skin and the feathers were a dead giveaway.
    No wonder she had been so comfortable with him from the moment they met.
    “I can get in.”
    “Good. Take this and get her to sign it. Tell the guards that it is a statement that her daughter was not involved in her actions. She must sign it. Are we clear?”
    Lupik nodded. “We are clear, Shiver.”
    “Good. Go. I have to go bully the chancellor.” She winked and headed up the stairs with Bright at her side. She hoped that she managed to keep her mind calm. This could go downhill very quickly.

Chapter Seven
    The chancellor had a pugnacious expression on his face. “You are early.”
    Shiver straightened her back and inclined her head. “We did not set a time, as you are well aware.”
    “Last night is a blur.”
    “The krisk sap you tried to dose me with does not interfere with memory. Simply hand over the vice chancellor and we will leave.”
    “What about his mistress?” The chancellor looked at her with narrowed eyes.
    “What about her? She was not part of our arrangement. You promised me a man with charisma and who is liked by those around him. Deliver the vice chancellor and issue a statement that he is being transferred as ambassador to the Citadel. You get rid of him, and I get a useful employee.”
    The chancellor leaned back. “Take off your mask.”
    Bright moved forward. “You dare?”
    Shiver put her hand on her partner’s shoulder.
    “Why are you trying to get out of our agreement after you attempted to drug me last night?”
    He snorted. “You have no proof.”
    She lifted her hand and tapped the ornate fixture on one side of her robes. “This records all interviews, conversations and that little stunt you pulled. If I am in uniform, and this is a uniform, I am recording and sending information through a relay link.”
    He shifted and cleared his throat. She remained calm, but his chair began to rattle.
    “What is it; what is going on?” He clutched at his desk, and it began to shake.
    “I want what was promised to me. I do not ask for more. Bring me the vice chancellor.”
    Books against the wall tumbled from their shelves, and she and Bright remained standing as the chancellor’s office shook itself into disarray.
    She wanted to pull a knife and slit the greedy idiot’s throat, but she rattled him until he surrendered.
    “Fine.” He bent and hit the button on the intercom. “Bring me the vice chancellor. Now.”
    Shiver turned down the

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