Sentience 1: Storm Clouds Gathering

Read Sentience 1: Storm Clouds Gathering for Free Online

Book: Read Sentience 1: Storm Clouds Gathering for Free Online
Authors: Gibson Michaels
operations against us. You seem to know the Trakaan mind better than most. Do you have an opinion regarding that possibility?”
    Drik was shocked by the question. It was inconceivable that a High-Rak quadrant-master should be seeking the opinion of a lowly squadron-master. Drik pondered the question a moment before answering.
    “I think not, Master. While an intelligent species, their basic nature is docile. Attacking when not immediately threatened would likely be a foreign concept to them. A herd bull will lower its horns and charge a predator that is directly threatening the herd, but when sufficient distance is achieved, they will watch warily, but remain with the herd.”
    “Amazing how practical the ancient wisdom can be, when applied to modern problems, isn’t it?” observed Raan. “That was my thought as well, but it doesn’t hurt to be prepared against the unexpected, as they have recently shown themselves to be quite capable. It appears that your hypothesis that Trakaan resistance would intensify was absolutely correct, if possibly even understated — another point in your favor when we present your case before Supreme-Master Xior.”
    “I still find it incredible to think that I am actually going to Raku and will be speaking before Supreme-Master Xior himself. Have you ever met him, Master Raan?”
    “Once... he was a bit of a surprise. While never presuming to judge the supreme-master, from a purely objective point of view I found him quite astute and surprisingly levelheaded for one of such exalted rank. He wears his authority comfortably — amazingly unpretentious for one whose power is absolute. I suppose he simply doesn’t feel the need to aggrandize himself, as is common among his courtiers. He simply is what he is, feeling no need to constantly remind himself and everyone around him of his sovereignty. Fortunately for you, he is generally considered to be quite reasonable, at least compared to what the histories tell us of the nature of many of his predecessors.”
    ‘That is… reassuring, Master. Thank you.”
    “We leave tomorrow, so have your servant make sure that all is ready to depart by mid-day.”
    “My servant, Master?” asked Drik, surprised that Raan would even mention his servant’s existence.
    “Please Drik, you are not the only one who studies the ancient ways. I know exactly what that being in the corner represents,” admonished Raan. “Although I am not allowed to speak to him directly, or even acknowledge his existence in public, confidentially I will confide to you that I am truly and deeply honored to be in the presence of such an accomplished and selfless warrior. Inside, I esteem him with all of the honor and respect once afforded to all of his ancient brethren.”
    With that, Raan stood and with a slight turn, bowed deeply towards Drik’s unmentionable personal servant. Drik was frozen in astonishment. Straightening, Raan turned back and said, “Rest well, Squadron-Master. I will see you tomorrow at the ship.” And with that, the quadrant-master turned and left Drik’s quarters.

    We are not diplomats, but prophets and our message is not a compromise, but an ultimatum. -- Aiden Wilson Tozer
    Troxia Station, in orbit above the Rak Planet Troxia
    “Did you hear what Quadrant-Master Raan said, Varq?”
    “Of course. You know that I am always totally aware while I commune with Dol. He ensures that I do, but then, you know that, too.”
    “Ah, I meant that I was interested in what you thought of his statement concerning you.”
    “Is that a question?”
    Drik sighed. Varq could be maddening at times. He never let the slightest flaw pass. Everything was always an opportunity for yet another lesson with Varq, even if that same lesson had already been taught a thousand times. The slightest slip showed the lesson had not been thoroughly ingrained and so needed teaching yet again.
    “Yes Varq, I realize I phrased that badly. Will you please tell me what you

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