Seductive Company

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Book: Read Seductive Company for Free Online
Authors: Sexy India, Red Snapper
room as she observed him as he watched the dancers, slowly sipping his whiskey. Motioning to the bartender, she ordered another Long Island Ice Tea and slipped through the crowd to get a better viewing position. Ursula looked around and noticed that India was gone so she stood up to try to find her. While she was searching for her friend a medium build brother stopped her and starting conversing with her. Of course, she was trying to explain that she was looking for her friend and soon they were engaged in a deep conversation.
    In the mean time, finding a table off to the side of her prey, India sat down, kicking another chair out from the table for her feet. Sitting there, she sipped her Long Island Ice Tea, and watched him. She sat there, half listening to the throbbing beat of the music, her fingers idly tangling in her hair. He barely moved, and she was sure that he was not really watching the dancers at all; in fact, to her it seemed that he was not really watching anything. She shrugged and proceeded to thoroughly explore him and admire his aesthetic beauty. Dark slacks complimented a white Stacy Adams shirt, and his shoes, which were a nice compliment to his pants. She noticed that one of his ears is pierced, but she could not observe the other one. He began to turn to the bartender and she calmly turned away as if she had not been staring, trying to devour him with her eyes. She scanned over the room, trying to make sure that Ursula was not looking for her, and then turned slowly back to where he had been standing but he was gone! She sighed, sipped her drink, and turned her attention to the sensuous movement of the dancers under the colored lights.
    As she had made up her mind to go back to where Ursula was sitting, out of nowhere came this deep silky voice, “Do you mind if I sit here?”
    She looked back at him as his breathe was teasing her ear. She was so startled that she almost choked on her drink. Coughing a bit, she swallowed hard and looked back at him again.
    “No…Not at all,” her words were still slightly choked.
    “I didn't think you would, not after the way you've been watching me since you sat here.”
    She looked at him, his dark gaze meeting hers, teasing her.She blushed. “How'd you know,” she asked her voice raspy, sexy.He smiled, “I used my peripheral vision,” pointing at the corner of his left eye.
    He smiled ensuring she got a glimpse of his clean pearly whites.
    She did not know what to say, he had caught her and now the object of her perusal was sitting no more than three feet from her. So silently, she looked him over yet again, admiring the austere fineness of his features, and noticing that both of his ears were pierced.. He stared right back, enjoying the mutual checking out, taking in her full lips, cute nose, and hazel eyes. Slowly it happened, as she had known it would, his gaze drifted to her cleavage and the first signs of a smile appeared.
    “I'm India,” she said, drawing his attention back to her face, “I see you've already met the twins.”
    She raised an eyebrow and smiled sardonically at him. He laughed then, not an annoyed laugh or grunt, but a truly amused laugh. She dropped any sign of being pissed, and smiled openly, his laughter making her feel more flirtatious. When he stopped laughing he was still smiling, a slightly mischievous grin that seemed to light up his face.
    “Miles,” he said, sipping his whiskey.
    They slipped back into silence, watching the play of the strobe lights on the dance floor. Moments later a song that she could not bear to sit still too began to play. The beat intoxicated her, bringing her to her feet. Snoop Dogg’s “I Wanna Rock,” pounded through the speakers, and without even asking if he wanted to dance, she moved to the dance floor.In a relatively empty spot, she caught the beat, riding it with her body. She moved sinuously with the music, caressing each note with her movements. She closed her eyes, aware, without seeing,

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