Seductive Company

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Book: Read Seductive Company for Free Online
Authors: Sexy India, Red Snapper
Ms. Goodie two shoes?”
    India looked at her with a fuming expression as she replied, “I don’t know what he’s talking about…I just wanted to go to the Caribbean on the company’s dime…that’s all!”
    Danika laughed, “Girl…who you think you’re fooling…nobody but yourself!” “I know one thing…you gonna give me some of that cat before you get back from the Bahamas…trust me on that shit!”
    India looked at her and grinned as she thought, “This bitch is relentless…but the thought of being intimate with her wasn’t such a bad idea…just one I hadn’t thought about before…will see if she can convince me to do that shit.”
    India looked at her as she replied, “What makes you think that I want to sleep with you?”
    Danika laughed as she walked up and stood to inches from her face, “Because no woman can resist me.”
    India just stared at Danika’s lips as she watched her seductively lick them. She looked up as she noticed that the elevator was getting close to the designated floor. Just as the doors were, about to open India stepped back as Danika just stood there and smiled. It was as if she felt she was the victor in this sexual battle. The elevator reached their floor and India and Danika got off, walking their separate ways. As India strolled back to her office, out of nowhere came Ursula.
    “Girl…I heard you were summoned to see Mr. Bluefield…what did he want?”
    She just smiled as she continued to stroll over toward the break area to get a glass of water.
    As she poured the water into her glass she answered, “Well he asked me and Danika Winfield to work on a special assignment.”
    “A special assignment…what type of assignment?”
    “Hey…wait a minute…you're gonna be working with that bitch Danika Winfield?”
    India picked up her glass, took a sip, and then replied, “What’s wrong with Danika?”
    Ursula gazed at India with a “You know what I’m talking about,” expression as she replied, “Girl…you know she’s a lesbian.” “She’ll try to get you in her bed if you’re not careful!”
    India laughed as she responded, “Has she ever tried to get you in her bed Ursula?”
    Ursula looked at her with a harebrained expression as she replied, “Well…no but that doesn’t mean she ain’t no lesbian!”
    India looked at her as she replied, “You shouldn’t judge anybody girl, especially if you don’t know their situation.” “Even if she is a lesbian…that’s her business right?”
    Ursula looked at India as she replied, “Yeah…you’re right…but if I were you I’d be careful around her…just in case.”
    India smiled as she rushed her out of the break area. As they walked back toward Ursula’s cubicle India said, “If you don’t want your skeletons to be exposed then you should not expose other people’s skeletons.”
    Ursula sighed as she thought, “Why is she protecting her all of a sudden?” “Maybe there’s more to this then she’s letting on!”
    Later that evening, India and Ursula had a quiet dinner and cocktails. They then headed over to their favorite grown and sexy club, Club Emporium. It was around midnight, so the club was almost at capacity as they tried to mingle around the standing room only crowd. This club was exclusive with three levels, each with a D.J. spinning your choice of R&B, Hip Hop or of course, old school jams from the seventies to the present. Ursula had made reservations for the V.I.P. section earlier that day, so everyone had a place to sit and watch the dance floor. Finally making it into the club, they moved directly to the bar and ordered an exorbitantly priced Long Island Ice Tea. It was after this India scanned her surroundings, slowly letting her eyes drift over the occupants of the club. Her eyes stopped at the far left end of the bar where a tall attractive man stood, Crown Royal in hand, watching the dancing. His dark features made him almost intimidating in the dimly lit

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