Seducing Simon
resting today.”
    “I’m late for work,” she said struggling to get out of his grasp.
    “You don’t work today.”
    “I called Doc Johnson and told him you wouldn’t be in.”

    Seducing Simon
    “You did what?” Her foggy brain fought to comprehend what he was saying.
    “You needed the rest.”
    “You called and told them I wasn’t coming in?”
    “Ahh the birds finally pecked you on the head,” he teased.
    “Why didn’t you wake me up so I could go in on time?”
    “You were tired,” he said quietly. “You need to rest. Take a day to figure things out.”
    Damn him and his logic. Simon the Serious struck again. Only he had a good point. It would feel good to take a day to rest. Maybe she’d feel better and not so unbelievably tired all the time.
    “Want something to eat?” he asked, letting her go.
    She wrinkled her nose. “Toast and juice?”
    “I live to serve.”
    She glanced down at her tattered T-shirt and gym shorts. “Do I have time for a shower and change?”
    “I’ll dish it up in fifteen. Sound good?”
    “Thanks,” she said, stretching up to kiss him on the cheek.
    She hurried to shower, eager to start her day of doing nothing. As much as she loved her job, a day off sounded next to Heaven. And Simon was right. She needed time to think about what she was going to do.
    Minutes later, she pulled on a pair of shorts and an oversize T-shirt.
    She secured her hair in a clip at the base of her neck and went back into the kitchen to eat.
    “Mornin’ Toni,” A.J. called from the living room.
    “Hey, A.J. How was the date last night?” He scowled at her, and she stifled a giggle. “That bad huh?”
    “Hmm only if you consider a blind date with Attila the Hun’s twin sister bad.”

    Maya Banks
    “Ouch. That’s bad.”
    Simon set a plate of toast in front of her, and poured a tall glass of juice. “Eat up.”
    She ate with gusto. She was on her second piece when she suddenly regretted eating at all. Her stomach curled into a tight knot, and a fine sheen of sweat broke out on her forehead. Cautiously, she sipped at the juice, trying desperately to control the wave of nausea.
    “You okay, Toni?” Simon’s concerned voice echoed beside her.
    She lunged from the stool and barreled into her bathroom. She just made it to the toilet before heaves racked her body. Placing her hands on the toilet seat, she leaned heavily on it for support as she rid her stomach of its contents.
    A cool cloth pressed to her forehead, and a comforting hand rubbed her back as her body shuddered. “Take it easy,” Simon murmured. “Deep breaths.”
    “Go away,” she wailed. All she needed was Simon to witness her puking her guts up.
    Strong arms held her up, smoothed her hair from her face. “I’m not going anywhere.”
    She leaned weakly against him, taking deep, steadying breaths. This sucked. Plain and simple. How mortifying to be puking all over a guy she wanted to notice her. Yeah he’d noticed all right.
    She nodded and walked shakily over to the sink to wash her mouth out.
    “I’ll be in the kitchen. You want something to drink? Some hot tea maybe?”
    She shook her head. “Nothing. I don’t think I could stomach it.” He squeezed her shoulder and walked out.

    Seducing Simon
    She splashed cold water on her face and rinsed her mouth once more. Picking up the book Simon had bought for her, she walked back out of the bedroom and settled onto the couch beside A.J.
    “You look like hell,” he said sympathetically.
    “Gee thanks.” She punched him in the arm.
    “I’ll see you guys later,” Matt called from the door. “I’m headed over to Stephanie’s.”
    Toni waved. “Tell her I said hello.”
    Simon finished cleaning the kitchen then headed to the bathroom for a shower. Toni leaned back and opened the pregnancy book, but her eyes followed Simon’s progress across the room.
    A.J. put down the magazine he had been reading when Simon

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