Seducing Simon
disappeared into his room. Feeling his gaze, she peered over at him. He was watching her intently. “Something wrong?” she asked.
    “No, not at all. I was just wondering how long you’ve had a thing for Simon and why I’ve never seen it before now.”

    Maya Banks

Chapter Four
    Her heart nearly stopped. “W-what?” She quickly recovered and managed a look of scorn. “You’ve spent too much time in the sun, A.J.” He smiled knowingly. “Deny it all you want, but I’ve seen the way you look at him. And hey, if it’s any consolation, I think you guys would be great together. He’d be a fool not to realize that.”
    “Your bias is appreciated, but c’mon, A.J., I’m not Simon’s type.”
    “But maybe you should be.”
    She rolled her eyes. “You’re forgetting one important aspect. I’m pregnant. I don’t know of too many guys who want to date a girl who’s pregnant.”
    His eyes softened. “Don’t sell yourself short, Toni. Sure, there are guys who’d run screaming in the other direction, but there are a lot who’d care for you and your baby.”
    “You’re sweet, A.J.,” she said with a smile.
    He gave her a troubled look. “What about the father? Does he know?
    Does he care?”
    Her smile froze, and she looked down at her lap, avoiding his probing stare. “I don’t want to talk about it.”
    “Did he hurt you, Toni?” His voice became steely, a thread of anger infusing his words.
    “It’s complicated,” she mumbled. “Quit flexing your muscles, A.J. He doesn’t know, and I plan to keep it that way.”

    Seducing Simon
    His voice moved closer as he scooted across the sofa to sit next to her. “I’m so not understanding this. I know you well enough to know it isn’t like you to just hop into bed with a guy. You must have cared about him. Problem is, I can’t imagine who it could be. And if he didn’t hurt you, why wouldn’t you tell him? He deserves to know, don’t you think?”
    “It’s none of your business,” she said fiercely. She shot up off the couch and made a grab for her keys on the bar. She had to get out. She knew she was acting childishly, irrationally, but A.J.’s arguments were sound, and she knew he would drag it out of her if she stuck around.
    “Toni, wait!”
    She didn’t stop to listen. She didn’t have the answers to his questions. Couldn’t afford to let him continue probing.
    Simon toweled his hair and walked into the living room, his hands holding the towel around his neck. “What the hell is going on? Was that Toni leaving?”
    “Yeah,” A.J. said looking extremely guilty. Much like when he’d just eaten his or Matt’s food at the station.
    “What did you say to her?” he demanded. “If you’ve upset her, I’ll kick your ass.”
    “I asked her about the father.”
    Simon swore under his breath. It wasn’t anything he didn’t want the answer to himself, but now wasn’t the time to press her, and A.J. should have known it. “Will you ever learn to keep your big mouth shut?” To A.J.’s credit, he looked contrite.
    “Did you make her cry again?”
    “Uh, no, I think she was more pissed.”
    “Damn it, A.J. This was supposed to be a day for her to rest and relax. Use your head for once.”
    He looked miserable. “Ah hell, I didn’t mean to upset her.”

    Maya Banks
    Simon walked through the kitchen and looked out the front door. Her Jeep was gone. A.J. was well meaning, but could be a complete knuckle head sometime. Simon had an idea where she may have gone. If he knew her, she’d gone to the park. Her thinking spot since she was in junior high.
    He headed back to his room and pulled on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. He walked back by A.J. “I’ll be back later.” As he continued on, a slow smile spread across A.J.’s face. He wasn’t even going to ask what prompted that shit eating grin.

    Toni sat on the playground swing watching the children play while their mothers watched. She would be one of those

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