Seduced by the Scrum-Half (Strathstow Sharks)

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Book: Read Seduced by the Scrum-Half (Strathstow Sharks) for Free Online
Authors: Mina Carter
across her skin. Teasing her with soft strokes against the underside of her arms.
    With slow movements, he drew it up her arms, watching her all the time as he wrapped it around her wrists, waiting for her to object. When she didn’t, he swore again, the words crude enough to bring a flush to her cheeks, and tightened the makeshift bonds. His hands shook as he tied a knot.
    The tension in his body made her quake as he sat on his heels to look at her. Spread over his bed, her hands tied above her head, she felt vulnerable and exposed, at the mercy of anything he wanted to do to her. A wave of heat hit her broadside. It was the hottest thing she’d ever experienced.
    “Let’s get rid of this,” he murmured, and slid her bunched dress over her hips. Lifting one foot then the other, still with her shoes on, she helped him remove the garment, her breasts jiggling with the movement.
    His gaze burned as he looked at her, the dress dropped, forgotten, onto the floor beside the bed. Tension rose between them as he reached out a large hand and wrapped it around one of her ankles. With rough movements that betrayed his need, he yanked her legs open to gaze on her exposed pussy. She bit her lip, waiting for a reaction.
    “Perfect,” he growled, divesting himself of his shirt so quickly she heard fabric tear and at least one button ping free.
    Then he was there, shouldering her legs further apart. She barely had a moment to think before his hot breath washed over her. She froze, her entire body humming in anticipation. The moment stretched out, the comforting blackness of the room surrounding them in their own little cocoon, like nothing existed beyond the bed with it’s cool, cotton sheets, the two of them, and the tension which bound them together.
    He licked, and her breath punched from her lungs in a rush. One quick flicker of his tongue. A warm, wet swipe that drew her hips off the bed in an unconscious jerk.
    Oh my, that felt good . So good.
    She bit her lip to smother a moan, pulling on her makeshift bonds to anchor herself as he licked again. He took his time, a long, slow stroke of pleasure. Short and fast followed long and slow, then back again. The two alternated as he learned the shape and taste of her. Deep moans rumbled from his chest as he parted her with gentle fingers.
    Homing in on her clit, he nibbled and licked. Built the tension in her needy body almost to a fever pitch. The fact that she’d already come harder than she could ever recall didn’t seem to make a difference to the heat and need holding her body in thrall. She couldn’t help the breathy moans that escaped her lips, nor stop the little rocks of her hips as her body sought more of the pleasure he offered her. Pleasure that came with the sharp bite of need as her body tightened. But there was more.
    Moving down, he teased her by running his clever tongue around the entrance to her cunt. Before she could murmur in frustration, not too proud to beg, he stabbed deep, thrusting in and out.
    The sound that issued from her lips was as liquid as the heat that bathed his tongue, her body signaling its readiness for him. For whatever he wanted. He murmured in approval, lapping it up and moved up to latch onto her clit. Her eyes rolled back in her head as he pulled the small bundle of nerves into his mouth and sucked, then shot open when he reached up and pinched her nipple. The pleasure-pain shot right through her, drawing a line between her breast and her pussy.
    A writhing mass of need and tension, she shoved her hips harder against his face. She needed this...needed to come again. As quickly as possible. Now. Sooner.
    He pulled away. The wash of cold air over her exposed lower body was like being hit by an icy wave. She shivered and looked up. Rapidly blinking, she tried to clear the erotic spell he’d woven around her.
    “What’s wrong?”
    Sudden panic set in as he gazed at her. His expression was unreadable. She swallowed, the sound a

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