Second Chances

Read Second Chances for Free Online

Book: Read Second Chances for Free Online
Authors: D.L. Roan
had been struggling, falling behind in his class. The school counselor had talked to them on more than one occasion about maybe holding him back a year. The last thing they wanted to do was split the boys up. “I’m telling ya. This is it. I can feel it.”
    Mason sure as hell hoped Matt was right. For one, if Claira helped Grey heal, he might just get him off his high horse and they’d get some help in the kitchen every now and then. More importantly, they could be a family again.

Chapter Five
    It had been a day from hell. The trouble had started at daybreak when Claira’s water heater had decided to take the day off. After shivering her way through a cold shower, she found herself in the kitchen staring at a coffee maker that refused to spit out the nectar of life she needed so desperately after another night of bone jarring nightmares.
    In that quiet moment, while she was straining to hear any sound of life from the coffee gods , her phone rang, the shrill tone like a bolt of lightning to her decaffeinated system. When she’d answered there was only silence. She managed to ignore the first two calls, but after the sixth hang up she began to get a queasy feeling in the pit of her stomach. She’d shoved the familiar paranoia away, managing to get through lunch, but by the end of the day the uneasy feeling began gnawing at her nerves. Everything was quiet when she’d arrived home. All of her security measures were intact and there was no sign of trouble.
    As she checked the last window lock a strange but welcome anger began to set in, stiffening her spine . She was being ridiculous. She had a new life, damn it. She was safe and she’d be damned if she let a few prank calls twist her into knots again. A picture of Mason’s gentle eyes and Matts playful smile flashed before her. She would go to Falcon Ridge and enjoy a nice dinner and put a stop to the incessant fear that had taken so much from her.
    An hour later, Claira sat in her car, idling at the stop sign at the end of town. If she went straight, the road would lead her to Falcon Ridge, the McLendon’s ranch. She should have never agreed to Mason’s request. That still didn’t change the fact, at that very moment standing in the playground staring into Mason’s bright blue eyes, she had wanted him. That was it. Simple want. She wanted his lips on her, his strong arms folded around her. She had never allowed herself to want those things in the past, knowing it would be disastrous, but she couldn’t seem to help it when she was around a McLendon. She was equally attracted to both Mason and Matt. And God help her, Grey, too. And what did that say about her? I’m in way over her head, that’s what it says.
    She should just turn around, go back home. She could call and tell them something came up, that she couldn’t make it. A headache, car trouble, an alien invasion. Anything would be better than the alternative. She shook her head. Who was she kidding? She could think of nothing she’d ever wanted more than the alternative. How could she have let herself give in to them? After being besieged by McLendon charm and overabundant testosterone for three straight days, how could she not have? It was ridiculous, really. She couldn’t have a real relationship with any of them let alone twins. They were twins, so of course she’d be attracted to both on a physical level. That was all it was, a mere physical attraction. Her hormones were on overdrive. She could control that. Right?
    She propped her elbow onto the top of the car door frame and ran a hand through her hair. It didn’t matter. She was going there to talk about tutoring Con, period. If she happen to have something good to eat and stimulating conversation with two dangerously sexy men, then so be it. When the bullets start flying and they’re all dead I’ll wake up in sweat and realize it was all just another torturous nightmare. She couldn’t do it. The risk was too high. She wasn’t ready for

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