Save Me: A TAT Novella
here. Roadies, drivers, light crew, sound crew, a few of the guys from Slave to the Needle, Seth and Lilly and our PR staff, accountants, record label and of course Tayla.
    My concern wavers between Noah’s health and whether or not Tayla has slept in two days. She has been planning the press release for tonight, making it clear what is and isn’t allowed. Shame is speaking on behalf of TAT. Our fans are loyal and since the word got out about the accident, a nonstop candle light vigil has gone on outside of the hospital. They need to see one of us, speak on the accident and we all agreed Shame was the best choice. Chad is taking this the hardest for obvious reasons and like it or not, accept it or not, I come off emotionally retarded in situations involving …well…emotion.
    I don’t mean to be that way. Maybe it’s a coping mechanism, maybe I just don’t know how, but I am not unemotional. The only time I have been outside of this hospital in the last two days, was a few hours after arriving. I don’t know what I expected. Maybe I thought he was asleep but would wake up any minute. Maybe I thought that waiting would keep me from thinking. Maybe I thought it would all make sense once I was there and living it. Regardless, I left because I was breaking down from the inside out and I couldn’t let anyone see that. I walked as fast as I could to my car and fell apart.
    I cried for Candey. I cried for the band. I cried for Noah, all the shit he would have to face…and I cried for Tay because she was the only one I wanted in that personal moment. I cried because I was alone.
    That moment alone in the car made it possible to sit here now, waiting. The doctor said that his brain waves are strong and it’s most likely his minds way of protecting him from what he may know, or at least from the pain from the injuries. I think he’s just tired. This is Noah Beckett…he isn’t the weak type. His mind is filled with memories already that would have broke the strongest of men.
    My mind wanders to my love for Tayla, the way I deny it and pretend it isn’t real. If our situations were reversed, I think I would probably shut down too.
    My mind on things that terrify me, and a game of Candy crush on my phone, I am snapped out of my thoughts by Shames hand slapping my leg. “Get the nurse or doctor or some shit.” He says and stands, making his way to Noah’s bed. “Grab Chad too.” He says and I see Noah coming too.

    I stood off to the side of the area Tayla had set up for the press conference. We were outside in a less populated area across from the hospital, and for good reason. To avoid complete pandemonium in the hospital we decided to hold the press conference in a small park just across the street. Journalists as well as reporters for local news, TMZ, reps for MTV and E and VH1 were all present. Behind them were countless numbers of people; all fans here showing their support. The world knew what happened, Tay had made a few statements on our behalf, but tonight I was speaking for all of Thick as Thieves.
    Once Tayla had set the ground rules for what will and will not be answered, as well as stating that I will give our statement before questions, she left the stage and I took the microphone.
    “As you all know, my name is Shamus James and I am the drummer for our band Thick as Thieves. I hope you’ll bear with me. We didn’t want this scripted as it’s not our style and with all the emotions and worry I’m not at my best. So, if you’ll excuse that, it is greatly appreciated.”
    I feel like a beehive is in my chest, it’s anxiety of everything from Candey passing, to Noah waking, to my nuptials earlier. I am exhausted, emotionally spent and somewhere in all of it, I am blessed. I look out over the enormous crowd, and just like when I’m on stage behind my drums, seeing them, it calms me.
    “Saturday night at eleven-forty-three pm, Candey Love True,

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