Save Me: A TAT Novella
    This was why she was considered the best.
    By the time we finally got to the hospital, she looked the part of the aggressive no bull-shit manager we hired in the beginning. Gone was the emotional wreck that came to tell me what had happened to our friends.
    I grabbed her hand after locking the car and together we rushed through the emergency doors to the nurses triage station. “We’re here for Candey True and Noah Beckett.” I say to the nurse behind the glass.
    “Have a seat.” Is all she says. She doesn’t even bother looking at me.
    There is a reason I keep emotions hidden. That reason is because I cannot handle them. At all.
    “No I need to get back there.” I am already panicking because this woman is keeping me from the people I love most in this world.
    She looked at me then, disinterested and annoyed. She rolled her eyes and spoke to me as if I am a five year old and confused. “And I said, have a seat.”
    I didn’t have a seat. Instead, I started yelling at the top of my lungs for Chad or Shame, hoping they could hear me through the two large doors blocking me from the ER.
    “Mr. Dorian, please have a seat or I will have you escorted from my hospital.” Said the nurse.
    This old bitch knew damn well who I was, knew how important Noah’s condition would be to me and still chose to dominate with her s power. “Look, if you won’t let me back there, can you at least call for Chad Blake, or Shamus James to come up here?” I’m desperate for this lady to hear the obvious worry in my voice and have a heart.
    She laughs like the rude bitch she is. “You want me to just get on the hospital intercom and ask for Chad Blake and Shamus James to come to reception? And then should I call the police since it will be pandemonium in my hospital? How about you have a seat and I will let you back when it clears out?”
    She didn’t even wait for my reply, dismissing me like I didn’t matter. It shouldn’t matter who I am, in her position she should have compassion and understand the dire place most are in when asking to be let through. It’s an ER… nothing good ever happens in an ER and there shouldn’t be a ruthless bitch without compassion working there.
    Before I can say anything to her and let her have it, I hear Chad yelling for me to hold on and then seconds later he’s eyeballing this bitch. I know it, because I can see it on her face.
    I can hear Shame demand to let me through as this old bitch snidely asks if he is leaving. It’s hearing Chad, practically begging to let me through. that must have made Shamus snap. Other than Noah himself, Shame is a pretty intimidating guy. Tall, tatted and always wearing a look of cockiness and determination. Listening to him let this chick have it though…was pretty fucking rad.
    The doors open and me and Tay come rushing through, Tay slowing only enough to look at the nurse before we continue on. “Bitch.” She says it loud enough for the nurse to hear it, but Shamus wasn’t even close to done with her considering he stayed to lay her out a little more while we followed Chad.
    I watched as Tayla rushed to Carrie and Cassa and both of them started crying again. This was when it hit me… It changed everything I ever thought I knew about the world.
    It had been two days since Candey died. Two days since she was ripped from this world and destroyed the life of my best friend. We had no clue if Noah would know what happened, what the extent of his head injuries were. We were left to wait for him to come too before we knew exactly what our next move was.
    Tayla was off handling the public, being the face of TAT, while we all sat vigil waiting. We all looked and felt like shit, but had literally not left his side. If we weren’t in his room- we were in the waiting room. Whatever Shamus did to that nurse was epic, because all of TAT was

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