‘Let’s have a closer look at some of the video I took earlier.’
Meat patched the binoculars’ hard drive into the laptop with a fire wire. A new program launched onscreen. ‘Tell me what you’re looking for and I’ll freeze the image,’ Meat said.
Jason leaned in close to review the playback. The high-resolution images were crystal clear. The frames skipped backwards until Jason spotted what he wanted. ‘There.’
Meat hit a key to pause the image.
‘Zoom in on the tall guy in the middle.’
‘That Al-Zahrani?’
‘You tell me.’
For a good minute, Meat replayed and advanced the footage. Satisfied that he’d found the best full frontal view of the guy’s face, he froze the image, dragged a frame over the head, and zoomed in. The enlargement pixellated before sharpening on the screen.
Meat slumped back in his chair and gave his beard a long, hard stroke. ‘Fuck me, Google. You’re right. That’s definitely him.’
‘We need to be 100 per cent on this.’
Meat held his hand out at the laptop. ‘That’s not a face to forget.’
‘Humour me and run facial recognition on it.’
Huffing, Meat leaned forward again to work the keyboard. He opened the biometric software in a new window, imported the picture file, and initiated the analysis. The program deconstructed the photo using virtual lines that measured eighty nodal points between the irises, the ears, the chin and nose, and various other facial landmarks. Ten seconds later, the ‘face print’ was complete. Using an encrypted signal, he linked to the military’s satellite network and routed an inquiry to the FBI. Meat’s limited clearance enabled him to pull Al-Zahrani’s biometric stats from the agency’s database. Then he instructed the program to compare the biometric statistics.
‘As close as I’ve ever seen to a precise match,’ Meat reported. ‘See for yourself.’
As Jason verified the results, excitement and concern came in equal measure.
‘Imagine if we catch this fucker alive,’ Meat said. ‘We’d be goddamn heroes. Not to mention the bounty. Shit. Ten mil? Forget this soldier-for-hire gig. We could all retire.’ He flitted his eyebrows.
‘Right. You wouldn’t know what to do with yourself,’ Jason scoffed. ‘The hunt’ gave them all purpose, and allowed them to exorcize their demons. Back home, a small fortune would do little to dispel the haunting memories that drove them here to begin with.
Meat considered the dream, then dickered it down in his mind to settle for something more realistic. ‘I’d at least take some R&R … eat some cheese steaks instead of MREs and vermin roast. Maybe even shit in a toilet instead of a trench with sand flies nipping my ass. You know, take a dump with dignity.’
‘I’d settle for a proper shower,’ Jason said, scratching at his beard. Getting back to business, he asked, ‘Hey, where’s the Snake?’
‘Over there,’ Meat said, pointing to a bulky case loosely covered by a goatskin.
Jason went to retrieve it. ‘Give me hand with this. I want to get up that hill … see if we can’t peek inside the cave.’
It took a lot to fluster Randall Stokes. Plenty of years spent skulking behind enemy lines to stare down the Devil made most of life’s stressors seem mundane. However, when the caller had conveyed what had transpired in Iraq, a sour taste came to the back of the preacher’s throat.
There’d always been the possibility that someone might accidentally stumble upon the cave installation. Precisely the reason so many security protocols had been built around the programme, including tripwires for unauthorized persons attempting to breach the main hatchway.
But what had happened just an hour ago was something even Randall Stokes could not dream up. Such an incursion fell far outside the limits of possibility - the outlier of outliers. The caller had indicated that a US helicopter gunship had misfired a missile - a freak accident. But Arab