Sassy Ever After: Kiss My Sass (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Book: Read Sassy Ever After: Kiss My Sass (Kindle Worlds Novella) for Free Online
Authors: Serena Pettus
or I’ll hurt you,” he warned.
    Hands in the air, Luke could only smirk. “Wouldn’t dream of it, hoss.”
    “Smartass, I know you were already thinking it. Let’s just get you set up in a room and we’ll relax for today. We can go into town tomorrow and get some more groceries. I’ve seen how you wolves eat, so I’ll need to add to my freezer.”
    Luke laughed. It wasn’t a lie. Wolves could pack away some food, mainly because they were extremely active. “Sounds like a plan. Do you think we could add a run to the agenda? I could stand to stretch my legs.”
    “Your wolf getting antsy from being in the car all day?”
    “You could say that.”
    “Have you tried hanging your head out the window?”
    “You’re an ass,” Luke laughed. Truth was, he had hung his head out for a few miles while he was on an empty stretch of road.
    “It’s a gift. Now, there’s a room for you at the top of the stairs to the left. And before you come in, I had nothing to do with the decorating. My mother did this while I was away, and I didn’t have the heart to change it.”
    Luke shrugged. It didn’t matter to him how another man decided to decorate his home. It wasn’t like he was the one having to live with it. This was a visit, nothing more, however, he still wasn’t prepared for the feminine fiasco awaiting within.
    “Holy shit!”
    “Told you.”
    “Why is there so much lace? And pastels? There’s not a masculine thing in this room!” Luke spun around, hand held out, face a mask of disappointment. “Hand it over.”
    “Your man-card. Cough it up man, you can have it back once you sack up and put some manly shit in here,” Luke replied, gesturing to what appeared to be the inside of some little girl’s doll house.
    The walls were a nauseating shade of peach, while most of the furniture was a shade of pink he had no name for. Lace had been used for curtains, table runners, tablecloths, and even on the edges of the throw pillows.
    Benson bristled. “Hey, man, I told you my mom did this shit. I can’t hurt her feelings.”
    Luke just shook his head. “Okay, hoss. As long as my room doesn’t look like this one. Otherwise, I’ll sleep in the woods.”
    “Says the man living in the Barbie dream house.”
    “Fuck!” Benson scrubbed his hand over his face. “Just go to your room and put your shit away. You know, before I tell mom what you think of her decorating skills.”
    His evil smile didn’t bode well for Luke. So much for having the upper hand this time. Benson was a grizzly, so his mom was a grizzly sow, and that was something he never wanted to be on the bad side of. “Momma’s boy.”
    Stomping up the stairs, Luke’s stomach gave a growl. He’d be doing some major shopping for red meat tomorrow, that was for damn sure.
    Chapter Five
    Waking up to a happy baby was the best thing, in Ashe’s opinion. Lilly had slept most of the night, and was all gummy smiles and coos once she saw her mom.
    Deciding to take advantage of the good mood while it lasted, Ashe munched on a cereal bar while Lilly took a bottle, and then got ready for a trip to town. She still needed to pick up some storage containers before taking on the task of cleaning out the upstairs rooms, plus a trip to the plant nursery to get her vegetable garden underway, and lastly, a stop at the grocery store to stock her freezer and pantry.
    With Lilly all snug in her car seat, she set off to try and get her errands done as fast as possible.
    The first two stops went fairly quickly, especially since she’d placed her order ahead of time. Now it was time for the dreaded grocery run. Ashe didn’t think there was a woman alive who actually enjoyed going food shopping.
    Toting Lilly’s car seat inside, she secured it to the shopping cart, watching as her daughter’s eyes darted

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