can’t get in here?”
“No. He can’t get in. Not unless he gets an axe or something. Or a
machine gun.”
This does not make me feel very safe at all.
“What were you talking about?” I ask. “Were you talking to him? What are
you going to do? What needs time?”
“Nothing. It’s nothing.”
I was about to grill him, cross examine him, interrogate him and get
some goddamn answers, but Kim grabs my leg. Her eyes are barely open. Barely
focused. She is so pale. Her lips are cracked and caked in black vomit.
“I need my meds,” she whispers. “I need the nano-virus. NVX. I need it.
Or I am going to die.”
Kim passes back out and I’m pretty sure she’s dying.
“Have you seen anything like this?” I ask George.
“This bad?”
He nods.
“How long do we have?”
“Not long. Cardiac arrest will soon follow.”
“The heart stops.”
“Goddamn it. OK, we need to move. I need to get these meds.”
George shakes his head. “I don’t think there’s time. I don’t think she’s
going to make it.”
“Don’t say that. We have to try.”
“It’s too risky. And besides, you’ve seen this before. You know how it
I pause. I didn’t actually see the Evo Agent
die. He was taken away by General Spears. He could’ve died from withdrawing
from the nano-virus. Or he could’ve been executed.
My money was on death by execution.
“You have seen this, right?” George asks again.
“Yeah,” I answer. “Sort of. We. Maria and I. We were locked up in a
shipping container. The General locked us up.”
George shakes his head. “Crazy son of a bitch. Doesn’t surprise me.
General Spears had been doing that more and more frequently. He didn’t trust me
or anyone else in the prison system. He didn’t want to have anything on file.
He didn’t want anything to be recorded on CCTV. He would use the inner sanctum.
He would use the shipping containers. Use them to hold people for as long as he
wanted to. It was a form of torture.”
“Torture? You don’t say.” And as soon as the words leave my lips I am
surprised at the level of sarcasm.
I chalk it up to being starving and dehydrated. And you know, actually
being tortured.
“For the first few days we were locked up,” I continue. “We shared the
shipping container with a soldier. He called himself an Evo Agent. And he was struggling. He was displaying all the same symptoms as Kim
is. The black vomit is the most... distinctive one. He told us that they had
been given nano-virus injections. And that he needed regular injections.
Monthly. Or he’d go into withdrawal. But I don’t know what actually became of
him. He was taken away. I’m guessing he was executed. Apparently the Evo Agent had been sent here by the company to kill the
General. At least, that’s what General Spears thought.”
“The company?”
“Yeah. I’m not sure what the General meant by that.”
And I think to myself that maybe General Spears was talking about YoshidaCorp . But I don’t know for sure, and there is no way
to find out, so I push the thought out of my mind.
“So this soldier, this EVO Agent,” George says, “He was suffering from
the same withdrawal symptoms as Kim?”
“Yeah. Exactly the same.”
“Then he was a dead man either way. And I know you don’t want to hear
it, but Kim is probably not going to make it. She...”
“You’re right,” I say, cutting him off. “I don’t want to hear it. I know
it doesn’t look good for her. I know it’s a long shot. But I’m not going to
stand here and do nothing. I’m not going to stand here and watch her die. And
if we want any chance of getting out of here alive, we need her. We need her up
and functioning and moving. We can’t leave her here because I won’t leave her
behind. So I’m going to get the NVX. And she’s going to make it. And she’s
going to be fine. And that’s all there is to it.”
George nods his