the – " Aside from herself and Gabriel, no one else was moving."Gabriel, what's going on?"
"You tell me, you're doing it."
"No, I'm not."
"Yes, you are."
"No, no. This is …how can this be happening?"
"I don't have a clue. How long will this last?"
"How long will time be frozen?"
"How should I know?"
"Well you did it."
"No, I didn't. I told you it's not me."
He frowned. "Okay, no time to argue. We need to get everyone out."
He frowned again. "You touched me and now I'm unfrozen. So, let's try this. Touch Augustus and see what happens."
"I don't see how that—"
"Just do it Nev."
Nevaeh thought it was the dumbest idea ever but she didn't argue. She looked up and saw Augustus two feet behind the man who'd shot Layla, his arm stretched out as if to grab the man.
She got to her feet and went to him. When she touched him, Augustus unfroze and continued toward the man, knocking him over. He turned with a snarl. "What's happening?"
"We're under attack."
"That I know. I meant this." He gestured around the room. "And where's Layla?"
Nevaeh pointed in the direction of the table where they'd been sitting. Augustus leapt across the table and dropped to his knees beside Gabriel, taking Layla from Gabriel's arms.
Neveah raced around the table and dropped down to her knees beside them."What do we do?"
Augustus looked at Gabriel. "Why is everything…frozen?"
"I think time is on hold."
"We'll figure it out later. For now, let Nev touch Layla."
"Because she can wake Layla like she woke you."
"No. Her wound is severe. We cannot wake her until we're in a position to heal her immediately."
"Can you do that?" Nevaeh looked first at Augustus and then at Gabriel. "Heal her?"
They looked at one another. "She doesn't want to be turned."Gabriel said.
"Do you know another way?"
Gabriel shook his head and put his hand on Augustus' shoulder. "What do you need from me?"
Augustus looked at Nevaeh. "How long do we have?"
"I don't know."
"Then wake our people and Layla's friends. We can disarm the attackers."
She nodded and hurried to Eldric's table. One by one, she placed her hand on the people. Then, with Gabriel's guidance, she woke his people, leaving Augustus to shout orders to them.
By the time she'd made a circuit of the room, the Preterhumans had removed weapons from the hands of the attackers. Nevaeh moved toward Asha but stopped at the sound of Augustus voice.
She turned to look at him. He looked around the room. "This was deliberate and there are only two people in this room with the authority and access to achieve this kind of coordinated attack. Me and my mother."
There was a murmur and he waited before continuing. "If you have any doubts of my innocence in this act of barbarism, then consider; the person I love most is lying wounded at my feet. Nevaeh, would you waken one of our attackers? We will secure the name of the person behind this attack."
Nevaeh looked at Gabriel. "Which one?"
"That one." Gabriel pointed to a man in a crouched position, his empty hands still in the position of holding an automatic weapon.
Nevaeh went over and touched the man on his shoulder. He blinked then jumped up, whirling around with wide eyes. "What the fuck?"
"Perhaps that should be my question." Augustus' voice had the man turning to look in Augustus' direction.
"I will ask you one time only. You will answer truthfully, or my people will pull the answer from you and I assure you it there will be great pain. Who is behind this?"
The man looked around fearfully and his gaze fell on the still frozen Asha. "That cold bitch."
Augustus nodded and looked at Andre who stood beside Connor. "My friend, would you be as kind as to notify the local authorities?"
"Be happy to, but I must point out that no matter who among us is to blame, this will undo all we have done to secure peace."
"I hope not, however we have no choice. Make the call."
"As you wish." Andre pulled out his