Lord Greyton's Fall From Grace (Lords of Avalon Novella Series)

Read Lord Greyton's Fall From Grace (Lords of Avalon Novella Series) for Free Online

Book: Read Lord Greyton's Fall From Grace (Lords of Avalon Novella Series) for Free Online
Authors: K. R. Richards
directed at her brother.
    “I am also very happy Miss Brackenridge returned to us here in Hartland, ” Owen offered and set about eating his meal . He could feel his family’s eyes upon him . But he could say no more . He and Grace were not yet officially engaged .
    Owen and his father retired to his father’s study after the meal for a brandy . They rarely left the ladies of their household to their own company, but Reginald requested the presence of his son in his study .
    “Owen , do you have something to tell me?” Reginald peered from his spectacles at his son.
    “There is really nothing official to tell you, father . I can tell you I am in love with Grace Brackenridge . She returns my love . I have asked her to wait for me to return from Italy . She said she would . I would have already offered for her yet when I approached her father he said he would hear nothing until my return from Italy . I suppose I can understand his hesitation, I will be gone three months.”
    Reginald nodded . He frowned . He had never liked the Squire . He was a man not to be trusted . “Just make certain that your lady will wait for your return, son, and all will be well . I am happy for you, Owen . I was beginning to think you might never settle down.”
    Owen grinned . “I shall settle down with Grace, father . She is the one , I am certain . I am hoping to stay here at Roseland . I do not wish to leave you and Libby alone.”
    “Of course, son, I would expect you to remain here . Someday Roseland shall be yours after all . Do you think the Viscount and Viscountess apartments will do ?  We can do some redecorating if your future Viscountess doesn’t approve of their current condition .”
    “I think the apartments will serve our needs well . When I bring Grace to Roseland as my bride I shall let her do what she wishes to our rooms.”
    Reginald nodded . “We’ll keep th is between the two of us since there is no official engagement . Your Aunt Priscilla will be beside herself when the news is made official . Libby and I do not need to deal with Priscilla’s dictates and fanci ful ideas on prepar ing Roseland for your bride . She would also start harping on the subject that Libby should marry. It would be three long months for your sister and me, I’m thinking!”
    Owen laughed . “I would not wish that on you or Libby, Father ! Upon my return, I shall offer for Grace, and we shall be married as soon as the bans are read if at all possible.”
    “The sooner you marry, the better , where your Aunt Priscilla is concerned, my boy . If you give her enough time, she would turn your wedding into the largest spectacle Devon has ever seen!” Reginald chuckled then began cough ing .
    When his father’s coughing fit subsided, Owen asked, “How are you feeling, Father?” His father had been in poor health for the last year .
    “ I am feeling m uch better today, son .” He smiled at Owen .
    “Father, I think we must join Libby, you know I do not like to leave her alone with Aunt Priscilla for too long . Aunt will be scolding her for some erstwhile behavior she does not approve of . ”
    Reginald grinned . “Let’s rescue my little lamb, shall we?”
    They left the study together to join Libby and Aunt Priscilla .

Chapter Three
    Owen and Grace strolled through the garden at Radley once again . Jenny, Grace’s maid, took her place upon the bench at the rear of the garden to wait for them while they walked the path leading into Lady’s Wood.
    Once the path curved and they were hidden from Jenny’s view, Owen took Grace’s hand in his .
    “I spoke to my father last evening, Grace . He is very happy about our news . We will keep it from Libby and my Aunt Priscilla until my return . Do you think you will be comfortable living at Roseland?”
    “Of course I will be comfortable there, Owen . I assumed that is where we will live.”
    “It would be my preference, for I do worry about father’s health . But if you fe l t

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