Lord Greyton's Fall From Grace (Lords of Avalon Novella Series)

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Book: Read Lord Greyton's Fall From Grace (Lords of Avalon Novella Series) for Free Online
Authors: K. R. Richards
uncomfortable doing so , I would purchase or let a house somewhere nearby .”
    “That’s nonsense, Owen . Roseland is your home, and you must stay with your father and sister . I love Roseland Abbey and your family , surely you know that!”
    “ I knew you liked my family. I hoped you would find Roseland comfortable , Grace . The Viscount and Viscountess’ apartments are large . There is a large sitting room, two bedrooms and dressing rooms, and a small parlour you can call your own . You may re-decorate as you wish .”
    “It sounds perfect, Owen . I’m certain the furnishings are fine for us .”
    Owen smiled at her . Us . He liked the way she already spoke about them as a couple .
    “What?” Grace asked as she noticed him grinning at her.
    “I’m so happy, Grace .” He caressed her fingers already engulfed in his hand. “Oh, I nearly forgot. T omorrow, the Inwoods are coming to visit at Roseland . The Earl of St. Erth shall be there as well . Will you come join us ?  I can bring the phaeton and pick you up at ten tomorrow morning .”
    “I would love to.” Grace beamed . “What is the occasion?”
    “If there was a reason, it would be for St. Erth’s visit, I suppose. We get together with the Inwoods quite f requently as you might recall.”
    “I do . We do n ot have many visitors at Radley, ” Grace remarked.
    Owen said nothing . W ell aware the Squire was not generally liked about Hartland ; Owen knew his late wife had been held in high esteem as was his daughter now . Grace possessed the sweet temperament of her mother . “I have visited you four days in a row, Grace, and I intend to visit you ev ery day until I leave for Italy, ” He teased her.
    “I expect to see you every day until you depart for Italy .” Grace shook a finger at him and smiled .
    Owen stopped and pulled Grace against him , his hands slid down her sides to the indent of her waist then rested lightly on her hips .
    She looked up and noted his sapphire eyes were dark and his expression serious .
    “I have to visit you everyday Grace, for how could I talk to you and kiss you if I did not . I feel I may go mad while I’m in Italy not being able to hold you and kiss you .” He kissed her and did so quite passionately . Again Owen toyed with the idea of staying behind and allowing the others to go to Italy without him . No, he must go . He was committed . Grace promised to wait for him. There wa s no reason for him not to go. He re turned his full attention to the lady in his arms .
    They kissed for what seemed a very long time , their hands exploring, giving tender caresses . Their passion flamed, their kisses grew heated, their bodies molded to one another. Owen even ground his hard cock against the swell of her belly once.
    Owen got himself in check . As much as he wanted her, he could not have her before he left for Italy . He removed his hands from her breasts, and lifted his head to gaze at his love . Her cheeks were flushed, her brown eyes were dark, and her lips were moist and swollen .
    “Owen I feel so…I wish we could – oh, what am I saying? I know we cannot … ” She turned crimson . “It’s just I seem to ache so for more. ”
    “Shh, dearest.” Owen placed a finger to her lips. “I ache for you too . Three mo nths, Grace . Just three months,” h e whispered in her ear as he pressed his lips to the tender skin behind her lobe . And ache he did . He lo n ged to lift her skirts and bury himself deep inside her . He would not do that to Grace . Everything must be proper for his lady . He wanted it that way .
    “Three months.” Grace knew it would be the longest three months of her life . Would the ache between her legs ever go away ?  She had never known such sweet torture.
    “Just three months, ” Owen whispered as he placed a tender kiss to her lips . “We must return, your maid will be wondering where we are.”
    Owen led his lady back toward the garden.
    Squire Brackenridge brought his dinner

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