hut's flimsy door while others were reaching through the small window. The zombie's had their first meal surrounded.
"Ok I got it!" Cass yelled, completing an imperfect circle around them.
Talin invoked a voodoo spell in the ancient tongue. Cass's heart was racing. The door shook under the pounding fists, finally collapsing. Three zombies burst into the hut. Talin continued the spell as the zombie's locked hungry eyes on Cass.
"Done," Talin whispered, "Do not leave the circle."
The zombie's paused, staring in Cass' direction, but ignoring her as if she were invisible. Clutching Talin's head to her chest Cass watched the zombie's mill around the tiny room. Finding nothing to sate their hunger they turned and shuffled off.
Outside the screaming gave way to an eerie silence. Without leaving the magic circle Cass stood and peered out the window. She was relieved to see the zombies walking into the jungle. She sank back to the floor. Talin’s mouth looked dry and so Cass searched until she found a bottle of water. What the fuck was going on! This was beyond insane.
"They're leaving," She said, dabbing water onto Talin's lips. The thought crossed her mind that this wasn’t going to do much for his overall situation, but it was about she could duo for him now.
"I think they are looking for an easier meal – or whatever it is they are after, elsewhere."
"What the hell is happening? And oh my poor Talin! Look what they have done to you!” she cried to his upturned face.
Talin closed his eyes for a moment. "When Litha took control of you and cast that spell, it must have been so powerful as to raise all these dead souls, including mine. It is the strength of my spirit, and the support of those spirits I have served that is allowing me to come to you as the man you know, rather than as a zombie like the rest.”
"Yes, but look at you! And how could she allow all this to happen?"
"Well, metaphysically speaking, Litha is known for her deep passions…she is not a spirit to be crossed…so I would say it was no accident. You get on the wrong side of her and she can be one mean spirited bitch, if you’ll pardon the pun."
"How powerful was that spell then? I mean, did it affect just this cemetery, or the island?"
"I do not know," Talin replied, "All I know is that for the moment you are safe."
"But what about the resort? It is not that far with all the noise I’m betting those things will find them. And what about your body? Can’t we reattach you or something?"
"I imagine you are correct about the resort and perhaps something can be done with my body, but time is short. We can either try and save those people or see what can be done about my body."
"Well we have to do something to help him. We can deal with your body later." Cass said, "We have to help them."
"I was afraid you would say that."
The aging local bus pulled to a stop just outside the resort's fence line. The driver studied his watch, and, at exactly the appointed moment, opened the passenger door. The load of peasants filed out silently. They were actually the Colonel's personal troops in disguise. Each man was well trained, totally loyal and armed to the teeth. They carefully made their way through the brush. Within minutes they were in position… waiting for the order to be given.
Inside the resort the Prime Minister was addressing the assembled guests. The audience did their best to feign interest, eager to get back to their drugs and debauchery. Colonel Marcos discreetly checked his watch. He would only have to endure two more minutes of this pointless speech before his plan sprang into action. The Prime Minister droned on about the economic opportunities created by the resort and how it would benefit the people. The Colonel knew all the construction was done by the Prime Minister's own company at reduced wages to workers and a huge markup to the client… so much for benefitting the people.
He glanced at Novia who looked exquisite,