jerked to a stop. What? Did she not want him to touch her? Moron, she made it completely clear this morning
    that she doesn’t even want to talk to you.
    “Forget it,” Rae said. She stepped up to him and lightly rested her hands on his shoulders. With those heels on, she was actually slightly taller than him, but her eyes were still fixed on his. What’s she thinking? he wondered. She
    keeps staring. What is she thinking?
    “Uh, you’re not actually dancing,” Rae finally told him. He could feel her warm breath against his face as she spoke.
    “Oh. Yeah. Right.” Anthony carefully put his hands on her waist, touching as lightly as he could, and started swaying to the music. Not that the music was easy to hear. Anthony’s heart was pounding way too loud for the band to compete with. “I went to Aiden Matthews’s after practice,” he blurted.
    “What?” Rae demanded, her eyes as hard as blue steel. “Why’d you do that?”
    “Because-” He so did not want to tell her this. But it had to be done. “Because I went by your locker after school, and there was a message on it.”
    Rae’s body stiffened. “From who?” she bit out.
    “I don’t know,” Anthony answered. “It was just one word painted on the door. Unclean.” He rushed on, not wanting to give her a lot of time to think about the word. “I thought maybe Aiden would know who might still be wanting to threaten you.”
    “Unclean,” Rae repeated, her voice strained. “Painted on my locker?”
    Anthony instinctively tightened his grip around her. “I cleaned it off,” he said. “It’s gone. But Rae, whoever did that-
    “It’s not really a threat,” she jumped in. “I mean, unclean, what does that even mean, anyway?”
    Anthony frowned. Rae had to take this seriously. How could she not? “I don’t know,” he admitted. “That’s one of the things I was going to ask Aiden. But when I showed up, he was gone. Moved out. No forwarding address. It’s interesting that he made the move right after he yanked the government guys off you.”
    Rae’s hands tightened into fists, bunching up his shirt under her fingers. “And it’s supposed to be my fault, Anthony? God, maybe he wanted a bigger place. Maybe he moved in with his girlfriend.”
    “Maybe,” Anthony answered. But he couldn’t back off this, no matter how much she wanted him to. “But with the timing thing, maybe not. I came over here because I think you need to be extra careful until we figure out what Aiden’s deal is. Somebody is still trying to scare you. At least scare you. And without Aiden to put a stop-”
    “Look, I know the government goons are always going to be watching me. That’s a given. I’m sure the locker thing was just a little reminder of that,” Rae shot back. “Maybe they even suspect that I told you the truth about them.
    That’s something they definitely wouldn’t want. So maybe they decided to do something small. Like I said, just to remind me to stay in line. That’s fine-I plan on forgetting about this whole thing, anyway.”
    “I’m not so sure,” Anthony began. “Maybe it is a little warning from the government guys. But it seems pretty lame for them, don’t you think? Painting on a locker-would that really be their style?”
    “The agency guys are the only ones who could be responsible,” Rae insisted. “There’s definitely not anyone else interested in me that way. They probably… they probably wanted to send me a message in a way that would look basically normal. Paint on a locker-that’s normal in a high school.” Rae pulled away from him. “And you know what?
    It’s not anything you have to worry about anymore.” She glanced over her shoulder. “Marcus is waiting for me.”
    “Rae, you-”
    She cut him off again. “Have a nice life, Anthony.” The words were like the blows of a baseball bat to the back of his head. It took him a moment to realize that she’d turned around and was walking away from him.

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