Return to Dakistee
it, I have no way of convincing you."
    "Well," Christa said to the assembled scientists, "if you'll all excuse me, I have a report to compose and send."
    The group parted so she could leave and waited until they were confident she was out of earshot before talking among themselves.
    "I told you," Dr. Peterson said. "We're going to be cut out of the loop just like before."
    "We never expected to be included in the Military's inner circle of confidants, Edward," Dr. Huften said. "We only knew we needed their help to get into the facility. We've had months and we're no closer to learning the secrets of our find than we were before we found it. Perhaps we'll have to wait a few months to learn what's inside, but we've already wasted that much in effort. I'm happy to turn the problem over to Space Command. I know they'll share whatever information they can as soon as they can."
    "We have only their word for that."
    "Azula Carver and her sisters are honorable," Dr. Vlashsku said. "I believe everything they say."
    "As do I," Dr. Djetch said.
    "Admiral Carver and her sisters did save all our lives at great risk to their own when the Tsgardi attacked." Dr. Ramilo said. "I'm also disposed to believe what she says is the truth."
    "I never said she was lying," Dr. Peterson said defensively. "I trust her . I just don't trust the military as a whole."
    Christa climbed aboard the shuttle and relocked the hatch behind her. The shuttle Jenetta had provided was outfitted to serve as both home and base of operations. The seats in the cabin area had been removed and replaced with furnishings usually found in a deluxe shelter. The larder was stocked with enough food for six months, and she even had a gel-comfort bed. At least she would be comfortable while she waited for instructions from Jenetta.
    The message to Quesann would take seventeen days to arrive and then seventeen more for the response to reach Dakistee, so, after sending her report to Jenetta, Christa sent a message to Admiral Holt at Higgins Space Command Base. As nice as it was to come home for a visit, she feared losing her dream posting on the Hephaestus if she remained here too long. She knew Jenetta and Captain Powers would do everything they could to hold the position open, but they couldn't hold it forever. Besides, she'd rather be aboard the Hephaestus than on Dakistee. The DS battleship was scheduled to leave on patrol in three days and Christa was disappointed that someone else would be handling her watch.
    In preparation for an extended stay on Dakistee, Christa moved the shuttle to a small, open area nearer the new facility. The area, located just fifty meters from the tunnel entrance, would from then on serve as the shuttleport for the new outpost.

Chapter Three
    ~ May 5 th , 2285 ~
    Higgins SCB was only thirty light years away, so a reply from Admiral Holt arrived the next day. Christa was having breakfast when the computer informed her of its arrival. She immediately set her meal aside and moved to the computer console.
    As Christa activated the viewscreen, a head-and-shoulders image of Admiral Holt filled the image area. Jenetta had long ago learned to judge his mood from his expression and, as their interaction with him had increased, so had Christa and Eliza. They could tell when he was masking his mood and what mood he was masking. On this occasion his face was affable, and Christa could tell it was genuine even before he spoke a word.
    "Hello, Christa," the Admiral said, "it's a pleasure to welcome you back to Region One. I'll naturally do everything I can to support your mission on Dakistee. After receiving Jenetta's initial message, I assigned Lt. Grace Carmoody of the GSC research ship Heisenberg to your operation. All reports indicate that she's an excellent officer and scientist. Her ship should arrive in orbit within two days and she'll transfer to your command there for temporary duty. I've also issued orders to the

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