Return to Dakistee
Commanding officer of the Marine battalion stationed on Dakistee to send you as many Marines as he can free up. I'm afraid the troop strength on Dakistee is woefully limited, so don't expect more than a company, and don't be surprised if you only receive a squad. But even a squad should be enough to guard the tunnel entrance from a bunch of unarmed scientists. Keep me apprised of the situation there and don't hesitate to ask if you need anything. Our Marine resources are low in this deca-sector, but I'll give you everything else I can.
    "Brian Holt, Rear Admiral, Upper Half, Higgins Space Command Base, message complete."
    Christa knew she couldn't attempt to open the facility's door until she had some support. She didn't expect to need help opening the door, but she'd need a few Marines to ensure the anxious scientists stayed far enough away so they remained unaware of the procedure. Jenetta wanted to make sure that as few people as possible learned the secret to the process so Space Command would always have to be called if any additional facilities were discovered.
    Christa spent the remainder of the morning reviewing files downloaded from the first facility's computer core. Just after noon, local time, the computer informed her that an Armored Personnel Carrier was approaching. Christa watched the computer-provided image on her monitor for a few seconds, then gave the computer an instruction to open the hatch. A few minutes later she heard the sounds made by someone climbing the ramp, and a Marine appeared in the hatchway.
    "Sergeant Flegetti reporting, Commander," he said as he braced to attention.
    "At ease, Flegetti. What are your orders?"
    "To report to the Commander for temporary duty in support of the operation, Ma'am. That was all I was told."
    "How many Marines do you have with you?"
    "Two fire teams of four, Ma'am."
    "Very well. That will be adequate for now. Where are you normally posted?"
    "About two klicks from here, Ma'am. We're part of the Fort Carver squad."
    Christa smiled and said, "I wasn't aware it was still being called that. I never saw the sign that was put up, but my sister told me about it."
    "Technically it's the Loudescott Outpost, but everyone prefers the informal designation as a tribute to the people who fought the battle that took place here in 2270."
    "A number of good people were injured or lost their lives here."
    "Yes, ma'am. The Corps put up an official plaque at the entrance to the bunker and the original handmade sign was mounted on the wall in the mess hall. "
    "Are you the senior non-com for your squad?"
    "No ma'am. That would be Staff Sergeant Burton."
    "I would have expected him or her to arrive with the teams."
    "Um, I'm sorry, ma'am. I was so excited about meeting you that I forgot I was supposed to say Lt. Uronson sends his regrets and will come to see you as soon as he returns from Pendleton. Staff Sergeant Burton went with him."
    "Pendleton? Camp Pendleton, California?"
    "No ma'am. There's a dig site here named Fallbrook halfway around the planet. Battalion headquarters is located there on a Marine camp that's been named North Pendleton."
    "I see. There's no need to be in awe of me, Sergeant. The Admiral is the one who's done all the fantastic deeds."
    "Um, yes ma'am, but you're a clo…" The last word seem to stick in his throat.
    "It's okay to say it, Sergeant. Everyone in the GA knows that my sister Eliza and I are clones of the Admiral. Our birth wasn't intentional, but we're glad it happened all the same."
    "Uh, yes ma'am." A bit red-faced he added, "So is everyone else."
    Christa smiled, then said, "Sergeant, your assignment here is simple. The archeologists have discovered another bunker like Fort Carver. They haven't been able to gain access and it's up to us to see that they don't until it's been checked for hazards and cleared of equipment designated as contraband by the GA. You and your people will empty the tunnel of any non-military personnel and post guards at the

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