magGrab system. The staff got their turn to ask a series of questions and there was a lot of discussion about the life support systems and what could be done to address the shortcomings.
    Rihan sat there wondering why she was involved. She knew that as the XO she had to keep on top of these issues but she knew she would not be the XO for long and so felt disengaged. She found herself thinking about her own future while the voices raged around her. She hoped the doctors who had treated her after her miscarriage were right about there being no problems with her having another baby. ‘Would it be a boy or girl’ she pondered. A smile came across her face.
    Dave saw the smile and knew that she was a million miles away from the focus of conversation. He had a good idea what she was thinking about and he too smiled.
    An hour and a half later Harry interrupted with news that Admiral Yomoto had just arrived. Mani called a halt to proceedings. The officials left to go and inspect the Resolute with Gunter and Val, leaving just Maria and Mani with Dave and Rihan.
    “It’s not going to be the quick turnaround that the Admiral wants” said Mani.
    “No, I didn’t think it would be” said Dave.
    “The lightnings, droids and the cloaking system we can provide straight away but the life support systems are going to require a new engineering design solution. Dr Charles Sobon is the best in his field. But not even he can do that overnight.”
    “I understand that. I’m pretty sure the Admiral will too.”
    “What will I understand?” said Phil Yomoto as he entered the director’s office. Mani beckoned him to sit down, which he did after taking off his navy white jacket.
    As he did so Dave replied “That this refit is going to take some time.”
    Phil looked directly at Mani. “What’s your estimate?”
    “I don’t know Admiral. The life support system needs a new design. We’re starting right now but it may take…”
    “Months, Admiral. It may take months.”
    “That’s not good enough. This is our…secret weapon…our ace in the hand. We can’t afford for it to be out of action.”
    “Let me explain the problem Sir” said Dave and he went on to explain how the life support system caught fire and how the new carbon scrubbers smouldered and re-caught fire.
    “Mmm” said Phil. “OK they need to be replaced. So why can’t we install systems from some other ship?”
    Mani responded by explaining how efficient these systems were and that if they were to use the older systems they would need four times the space on board and they don’t have that space available without losing significant capabilities - the prime options being to halve one of the flight hangars.
    Phil sat there with a very frustrated look on his face. Everyone watched as his mind worked overtime trying to come up with a workable solution. Finally, Phil exclaimed “Oh fuck it” as he slapped his hand on his knee. No one responded. A minute passed in silence. Finally Phil said “I might understand it but I’m not happy.” He could see from the look on the faces around him that he had just stated the obvious.
    “Alright Mani you make sure you devote whatever resources are needed and I want a report by the end of the week on how you propose to solve this issue.” Mani just nodded. “OK then” said Phil looking to Dave and Rihan “We need to get out of the good doctor’s hair and have a chat. How about you show me this ship of yours Dave?”
    Maria dropped them back at the Resolute which was now a beehive of activity. The wounded were being transferred on gurneys to the shuttle that the Admiral had arrived on. They would be hospitalised in Nova Vista. Dave looked to see Art but he must have already been moved onto the shuttle. He hoped he would be OK. Sue would be with him. Dave felt good about that.
    Val was outside demonstrating the magGrab system to some of the facility staff. When she saw the Admiral get out she came to attention

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