“That’s all folks” he hailed “welcome to lovely Tumos, birthplace of the Resolute.”

Chapter 11. Tumos 1440, 1 June
    1 st Lt Maria Shriver, the liaison officer for the Deathly Hollows Facility met Dave, Rihan, Gunter and Val on the apron. She beckoned them to jump in her buggy and she whisked them out of the burning sun and into the dark cavern of the mountain.
    The sheer size of the cavern still impressed Dave on this his second visit. Maria drove the buggy at some speed along the internal road. Soon they entered the tunnel that he had recalled from last time would take them to the main complex.
    “Dr Govinda’s waiting for you along with a few other staff” advised Maria as she sped along with her hands adeptly turning the steering wheel. “We’re all keen to learn how the ship performed” and then almost as an afterthought she added “oh and to make whatever repairs are necessary.”
    Gunter in the back raised both eyes and shook his head but it was not seen by Maria as her focus was strictly on the road ahead. She swung the buggy hard and pulled up quickly into the car space reserved for her outside the main facility building. A motion activated flood light came on.
    Despite the fact that it was completely underground it looked like any of the building at Fleet HQ in Nova Vista. Once he dismounted Dave gazed up. The building looked to him like it was six storeys high but he couldn’t be sure as the top blended into darkness.
    Maria led them through the main foyer where they were each given temporary passes and then shepherded into the elevator. It was only then that Dave noted the building was in fact 10 storeys high. They got out on the ninth floor and made their way to the director’s office.
    “They’re waiting for you” said the Directors personal assistant as he waved his hand towards the door.
    The diminutive form of Dr Mani Govinda was there to greet them. “Welcome Captain, everyone please take a seat.”
    The office was huge. Mani was indicating for them to sit in the lounge area where a phalanx of other staff awaited. All up there were sixteen of them. Some were sitting on conference chairs that had been wheeled in for the occasion. Dave recognised a few of the faces from the famil training they did earlier. Introductions were made but Dave always found it hard to remember names. He rarely forgot a face though.
    “I thought I would do this here because it’s a little more comfortable” said Mani. “Harry can you please bring in the afternoon tea?”
    Harry, his personal assistant, duly went about it. Val was one of the first to grab one of the cakes from the huge coffee table in the centre. She sunk her teeth into it with obvious pleasure. Rihan gave her a half-disapproving look. Val shrugged her shoulders, smiled with her eyes but finished off the cake with the same avarice she started.
    “We’ve all heard about your great victory Captain” said Mani. “It’s all over the news.”
    Dave cringed at the thought that he might be later wheeled out before the media as some returning war hero. Mani was perceptive enough and so quickly changed tack. “Admiral Yomoto has requested we provide you with whatever support is needed to get the Resolute back in operation. It is our number one priority. However, we are also keen to learn from your experiences with the ship. But first things first. What do you need done?”
    “For starters we need a new cloaking system, life support systems that don’t catch fire, two new lightning fighters, the best part of a company of droids and the vehicle clamps in the new heavy lift shuttles need repositioning” said Dave. There was a barrage of questions coming from the staff.
    “Please” said Mani to his staff “let’s give the Captain a chance to provide some more details.”
    With a gesture of his hand Dave said “Gunter?”
    Gunter then went on to detail what had gone wrong. Val talked about replenishment issues and the mods she wanted on the

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