didn’t have mana you couldn’t cast. Period. With a higher intellect your “Mana pool” grows larger. Once you use mana you must wait for it to regenerate. This takes time.
August 7th, 2043
Tomorrow we would start. All of the buildup had led to a sense of excitement that could be felt in the small room the four of us were currently occupying. There was only one thing left to do.
AltCon didn’t want us wasting time with the initial character create screens when we first logged in. So they planned to have our characters ready to go, pre-loaded into the RAC before we ever stepped into the full immersion pods. They wanted all of us to experience the game for the first time at nearly the same time. This way other characters wouldn’t arrive first and influence other players about what they were seeing and feeling. This was all a part of the Beta they said.
Creating characters in a Beta is far more different than in a game where tutorials have been written and information about the game is readily available. As well as friends who may be higher levels and can help you with progressing through the game. But since we didn’t know what we would find when we logged in that first time, we had to prepare for our Character Stats to play a vital role in the game.
So here we found ourselves again, sitting around the table and deciding what stats we would add to our characters. Stats were the different levels each of our characters would start with in seven different statistics. Resurgence followed a very simple platform that had worked in several other games, and I believe they saw no reason to reinvent the wheel in this case. AltCon provided a brief explanation of each of the seven different base skills.
Strength – Strength is the heart of the Warrior, Paladin, and Dark Paladin class. Strength has a direct correlation to damage done by all hand held weapons. Additional restrictions on larger type weapons, used only by Warriors, Paladins, and Dark Paladins, will be determined by the character class and level of Strength. However, all characters will find strength a valuable skill to increase over time. The reason for this falls to the weight a character can carry as worn items or in their inventory. Pure Casters will find the weight restrictions of their items to be minimal, but their ability to carry items from gameplay could impede their movement speed should they be over loaded with weight. Over loaded characters will also lose vitality faster, drawing them closer to fatigued status where all types of damage will be reduced.
Constitution – The constitution skill is a direct correlation to the number of Hit Points (hps) a character has. All races will receive 100 hps for each point put into the constitution skill. Constitution also has a direct correlation to each character ’ s vitality. Characters will lose vitality while fighting or while moving while overloaded. Caster classes will lose minimal vitality for casting spells. The larger your weapon, in relation to your strength skill, the quicker your vitality will decrease during combat. Characters who become fatigued due to a loss of vitality will deal only 25% damage during battles and will have a movement speed of only 25%.
Agility – Agility is the main skill for classes that utilize a ranged attack. Rangers will find the agility skill their mainstay in Resurgence. Increased agility will have a direct correlation to the ability to hit a target with a ranged attack while also increasing the range which an attack has the ability to be successful. Each weapon in Resurgence with a “ ranged ” classification will have a base range that will be augmented by the agility statistic. Additionally, agility has a direct correlation to the ability of each character to avoid incoming melee attacks. Increased agility gives a greater chance of dodging an attack or using your weapon to parry an incoming attack. It has no correlation to avoiding magical attacks.
Edwin Balmer & Philip Wylie