Jason said to all of us.
“Ok. So as of right now I have 10 Strength (+9), 8 Constitution (+7), 3 Agility (+2), 3 Dexterity (+2), 2 Wisdom (+1), 2 Intelligence (+1), and 1 Chance. About that, I think one of us should decide on who will be the Chance master and be our group Chance modifier. So I have three skill points left and I was thinking about putting them into Constitution. What do you think? “
“Dude, I’m impressed man. That is a really good idea about the Chance thing. And I totally agree. And I think it should be someone who’s name doesn’t rhyme with Dan,” said Dan.
“I hate to say this, because he will remind me often, but I agree with Dan. It shouldn’t be him. I want him having all his skill points to make him a CC master,” Jason said.
“Five,” Dan said.
“Five what?”
“Five times he has agreed with me. I’ve been counting.” Jason smacked his forehead. This had become a common occurrence around Dan. And even the stoic Jason had begun doing so. It just made Dan feel loved.
“Well before we get into the whole Chance thing, let’s talk about Wayne’s build. I like it too. But I am thinking instead of what you have now, you try it like this. Strength 9, Constitution 10, 3 Agility, 5 Dexterity, 2 Wisdom, 2 Intelligence, 1 Chance. Dexterity will add to your ability to Critical Strike and maintain aggro while you tank. And you are going to want those hps at first since it will take a bit for you to solidify aggro before we join the fight,” I said.
Jason looked at the build some more and then said, “I disagree, but only a little bit. I think one of you guys, Alex and Wayne, should put 1 point in Intelligence and the other one in Wisdom. Since you guys will likely be leveling up the same skills in melee, we see which one goes up faster. Based on that you can add extra after your next level. And this way we aren’t just guessing.”
“Brilliant idea Jason! And then add that extra one into either Strength or Constitution. Or whatever you want,” I said.
“Good call Jason. I’ll do Intelligence if you want to do Wisdom Alex?”
I nodded and said, “Ok, so what is the final build out. And if you guys are ok with it, I will be our “Chance master” as Wayne put it.”
Everyone nodded and Wayne said, “Works for me. Ok, so now I am Strength 9, Constitution 11, 3 Agility, 5 Dexterity, 1 Wisdom, 2 Intelligence, and 1 Chance.”
“Now that’s a tank! You gonna be unstoppable bro. You should wear an eyepatch!” Dan said.
“Why the hell would I wear an eyepatch Dan?”
“Bro, have you ever seen anyone in history that didn’t look more badass than dudes with eyepatches? No. Case rested.”
* * *
We talked through our character build outs at length and I found that not only was it good for making our classes, but it also added yet another level of bonding between myself and my group. I really felt like I knew these guys, and working so closely with them I felt like I knew their quirks. Not yet their weaknesses and strengths in game, but I was way more comfortable with them.
In the end, each character was as follows:
Dan – 6 Strength (+5), 6 Constitution (+5), 10 Agility (+9), 3 Dexterity (+2), 5 Wisdom (+4), 1 Intelligence, 1 Chance
Jason – 3 Strength (+2), 6 Constitution (+5), 3 Agility (+2), 1 Dexterity, 13 Wisdom (+12), 5 Intelligence (+4), 1 Chance
Alex – 6 Strength (+5), 6 Constitution (+5), 5 Agility (+4), 7 Dexterity (+6), 2 Wisdom (+1), 1 Intelligence, 5 Chance (+4)
Dan figured he would be classified as a non-intelligence based caster and therefore put points into Wisdom in order to establish a mana pool that would be able to handle more than one spell being cast before having to regenerate all his mana. The addition to Agility was obvious. Jason’s build was a classic Cleric build. Unfortunately, we didn’t know about the skills and how they worked together the previous day when we picked our races. I asked Jason if he questioned the High-Elf and if he