Rescue Princesses #6: The Magic Rings

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Book: Read Rescue Princesses #6: The Magic Rings for Free Online
Authors: Paula Harrison
Tags: General, Action & Adventure, Juvenile Fiction, Animals, Horses, Royalty
that yesterday.
    She ran into the stable, checking the inside stalls one by one.
    “Come back!” hissed Rosalind. “They’ll see us if we hide in there.”
    Lottie ignored her. With a racing heart, she peered into Twinkle’s stall and flicked on her flashlight. The foal’s mother was standing up, tossing her mane anxiously. But the little foal was gone.
    Somewhere in the distance, a clock chimed midnight.
    The other princesses ran into the stable to join Lottie. Rosalind grabbed the flashlight and shone it all around.
    “What is it, Lottie?” cried Isabella. “You look awful!”
    Lottie blinked back her tears. “We’re too late! Lady Slyden’s already been here — and she’s taken Twinkle.”

“We have to go and tell Queen Sofia what’s happened,” gasped Amina.
    “We can’t! If we go back to the palace now, it gives Lady Slyden more time to get away!” said Lottie. “Anyway, how can we wake up the queen in the middle of the night?”
    There was a moment of silence. No one liked the idea of waking up Queen Sofia.
    “We could try to follow Lady Slyden andthe horses,” said Isabella. “Do you think we’d catch up with them?”
    Lottie’s green eyes flashed. “I’m going to try. Who’s coming with me?”
    “I am,” said Amina quickly. “I can’t believe they took a little foal away from its mother. They should be ashamed of themselves.”
    “I’m coming, too,” Isabella said firmly.
    Rosalind put her hands on her hips. “Well, I’m not letting all of you have an adventure without me!”
    Lottie grinned and held out her hand. “Then we’re Rescue Princesses together!”
    Isabella, Amina, and Rosalind placed their hands on Lottie’s, one on top of the other. The heart-shaped jewels in their rings lit up with a sudden glow that lasted for a few seconds and then went out.
    “Awesome!” cried Isabella, staring at the jewels.
    “We finally made them work,” Rosalind said softly.
    “Now we’re really Rescue Princesses!” said Lottie, her eyes sparkling. “Come on, let’s go! We’ve got to catch up with Lady Slyden!”
    The circle of light from Lottie’s flashlight led the way as they raced across the field. They slowed down as they reached the narrow lane.
    “We don’t know where they are,” said Rosalind. “We could be going in the wrong direction.”
    “Lady Slyden told her servant to park his van by the stream,” Lottie reminded her. “So I think they must be this way.”
    They sneaked down the lane until Lottie stopped them. She held a finger up to her lips.
    They could hear voices.
    They crept closer and hid next to the wall on one side of the lane. A few yards away, a man struggled with a tall stallion that had reared up on its hind legs. He was pulling it toward a black van.
    “The horse doesn’t want to go into the van,” whispered Amina.
    “Get in there now or I’ll get my whip out!” hissed Lady Slyden.
    “How dare she?” whispered Lottie furiously. “I wish Queen Sofia could see this!”
    The man finally managed to pull the horse into the van.
    “That’s the last one, My Lady,” he said, climbing out of the van and closing the door.
    “Good!” said Lady Slyden. “Get out the map and I’ll show you where you’re going. You have to get there as fast as you can.”
    “But, My Lady! I can’t drive too fast in case it upsets the horses.”
    “You will do as I say!” snapped Lady Slyden.
    The servant and Lady Slyden walked to the front of the van and bent over a large map.
    The princesses exchanged looks. This was their chance! They tiptoed across the lane toward the stream. When they were sure that no one was looking, they dashed out of the shadows and hid behind the van.
    Rosalind shaded her eyes to look through the little window in the van door. “The poor horses are really squashed in there.”
    “Let’s get them out,” whispered Amina.
    Lottie pulled gently on the handle, opening the door without a sound. There were four fully grown horses

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