Regan's Reach 4: Avarice

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Book: Read Regan's Reach 4: Avarice for Free Online
Authors: Mark G Brewer
Tags: Science-Fiction, Space Opera, Science Fiction & Fantasy
knew it
but he didn't wait, skulking away to the grav room.
    Ruben looked down at Bishop and emboldened
by Jareds presence kicked the boy hard, clearly wishing to make a point.
    Jared crouched. "You will feel better
in a while Gabe. In future, don't bully my friends, okay. Remember I can come
at you from any angle at any time and you will never know when; I won't
hesitate to do it, believe me."
    Hilary had followed the action with
delight. She chuckled to herself and stored the file for Ham as she always did
when such encounters occurred. He would be pleased of course; in his view Jared
was coming along juuust nicely.
    * * *
    Regan rolled from the bed, taking care not
to disturb Leah who was sleeping soundly. Perching for a moment on the edge she
listened for a time to the quiet breathing, more a purr she thought and
gave thanks for a partner who slept quiet as a mouse. Slipping away she entered
the bathroom and padded the door closed behind her, pausing as it clicked shut and
then leant back to consider her warm state of mind. Leah, Marin, Ham . . .
    She made a brief toilet stop and then stepped
under the nozzle while touching the pad for water starting the familiar,
glorious torrent. Rotating slowly under the flow her mind shifted to consider
the scheduled meeting with Tihan in Gliese, the likely agenda and what her
instincts told her. Will I need support?
    [Ham, do you want to come through with me -
actively I mean, not just backed up?]
    [Do you want me to?]
    [I do Ham, it would be good to have an extra
set of eyes and ears there, just take a back seat though as we need to let him
    [I don't get why it's always a problem
anyway, why would my being there be a problem for anyone talking, and what are
they afraid of with me?]
    [I don't think it’s fear babe, they just
feel a little intimidated by you over there and Tihan in particular always defers
to you. Anyway, let's not go there now okay, just come with me and sit in the
background. Clearly he has concerns, and we need to know why.]  
    [Okay, no problem, you know it's always my
preference to be there with you anyway.]
    [I know, and I appreciate you've been giving
me space alone lately. So, are we ready, it'll only be for the morning?]
    [Let's do it.]
    Regan smiled, going with Ham as an active
partner as opposed to a passive stored backup was always a confidence booster.
She slipped on her ship suit and headed for the small room off Control, now redesigned
for just this purpose. Without a word Hilary opened the various doors as she
walked and her passage there was swift. Entering she took the wide, comfortable
seat, and relaxed as it quickly molded around her body. She knew it would soon
begin massaging gently to keep her loose while she slept and she reflected on
the security she enjoyed knowing her complete self remained here safe whatever
she was doing on the other side of the galaxy. If the worst happened, some cyber
attack on her digital self perhaps, at least her body, processor and intact
right brain would still be here ready for a fresh download of her cyber back
up. There was little risk. 
    Shuffling into the seat to make herself
comfortable she could feel the massage starting and she surrendered to the
ministrations, closing her eyes and readying for the transfer.
    [Are we ready babe?] She checked with Ham again.
    [Yo!] He replied.
    And they were gone.
    Hilary sighed with pleasure as she so enjoyed
this role. She adjusted the massage function of the chair in a gentle process
which she always lovingly managed and at the same time released a mild
narcotic. It was something pleasant and non addictive that would keep Regan's right
brain tired and happy for the next few hours. The suit would take care of any
    * * *
    Gliese System, Tihan Orbital
    It took only a moment for the transfer to
Gliese. As Regan's avatar opened her eyes she immediately smiled in recognition
of the scene and particularly her host.

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