Regan's Reach 4: Avarice

Read Regan's Reach 4: Avarice for Free Online

Book: Read Regan's Reach 4: Avarice for Free Online
Authors: Mark G Brewer
Tags: Science-Fiction, Space Opera, Science Fiction & Fantasy
compact but powerful fighting force, small in
numbers but immensely able, especially for the task she had in mind. Like the
Gliese system, the Orion Nebula hadn't seen fighting for generations however
Regan's most recent jumps there had shown her the peace would soon be broken,
unless . . . they took the initiative and asserted themselves first. It still
troubled her that she, Regan Stein, would make the first strike and at that
thought she faltered in her stride before recovering and matching pace with
    Mentally she then shifted her thoughts again
and began to review her diary commitments for the next few days. As always
Hilary had everything in order.
    First she would need to jump through to the
Gliese star system for a meeting with Ham's fellow Mind, Tihan of Tihan
Orbital. Then, depending on the outcome of those discussions, she would meet
with Aaron back at Hillary Station. Hmm, I wonder if Reubus will join Tihan
for the meeting . She ground her teeth at the thought. The Orbital Minds of
Gliese generally got on well but Reubus was clearly asserting himself.
    Her thoughts shifted to the matters of
home. And Jared; tomorrow is the day. We must make the decision if he is to
be ready for the trip to Rigel, I must talk with Ham.
    [And Regan?] The mind intrusion came gently
– the gracious lady.
    [Yes Hilary?]
    [We also have the command crew meeting
tomorrow afternoon. With only two weeks to go before departure we need to
coordinate. You should allow time to prepare.]
    [Thank you Hil, I will, but do please
remind me if I forget.]
    [Will do.]
    She pounded on, a glance to the side reassuring
her that Leah was still happy and her thoughts quickly returned to the
    [Ham, we need to talk about Jared, and
getting it done.]
    [I've been ready to go for a while; you
know that, it's you who's been procrastinating.]
    [Well, regardless of that, we need to do it
now if he's going to be ready, but I'd still like a sit down talk with you
first, you know I'm not comfortable with things.]
    [If we are going to talk about the
operation, Jared should be there.]
    [I'm not so sure Ham; I think you and I
should decide this.]
    [Are you mad Regan? The boy is thirteen
going on thirty and we're messing with his head. There is no question he should
be in on the decision making. Look - I know why you're reluctant, but you don't
need to worry, it's the outcome that's important.]
    [Yeah right - but you two always gang up on
me. Ham, if there are decisions on what you're going to do I don't think it should
come down to a vote.]
    [Regan you're right, it shouldn't be a vote
it should be a decision, Jared's decision. It's his mind and his body, he
should decide.]
    She ran on, thinking deeply about Ham's
words and hardly noticing that she had picked up the pace in her tension.
Effortlessly Leah matched her, wondering what was going on in that computer
    [Okay, Ham, we'll discuss it tonight. You set
things up with Jared please, I'm going to be busy throughout the day.]
    [Regan, relax, we're doing the right thing;
I have great plans and I'm sure he'll be excited.]
    [That's what worries me.]
    They were coming to the gym exit now and
Leah broke into a final withering sprint. Regan let her go, watching the trim
figure open up the gap while already anticipating the relaxing warm down and
shower. Marin would be there waiting, she knew, and at just the thought she began
her own sprint to the finish line.
    Ham, not needing to shower, had already
displaced to the earthward flight decks for a meeting with Brian, his operant
extraordinaire. Marin had wandered through to the private showers to wait for
the girls while Jared, having hardly worked up a sweat strolled through to the
    Not being a school day, Jared found more
children there than normal and he scowled, knowing the unwanted attention that
would come his way from the younger ones. He could also see there were fewer
adults working out than normal and guessed most of

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