Rebel Angel: A Sainted Sinners Novel
well. There’s no window to climb out this time, and no escape plan in place.”
    He watched her for another few seconds, then nodded. “All right.”
    Closing the bedroom door to give her privacy, he moved to the living room. He booted up the laptop and sent a couple encrypted emails to Kirael and Mere Marie. When that was done, Ezra looked at the time.
    If he hurried, he could still get a few things from the corner store. He didn’t want to leave Aurora here for too long, though he wasn’t sure if he feared her running or getting attacked more.
    Aurora was a handful, there was no doubt about that. He wasn’t quite sure what he was going to do with her. The story she’d mentioned, about finding her family members dead…
    He’d need to dig deeper, find out the circumstances. Just because she was a Null didn’t mean that he had to turn her over to Heaven… Of course, it would be best for him if he did… probably safer for Aurora, too, given her level of paranoia.
    But what if her fears were justified? She certainly seemed to think they were…
    Mind occupied with contrary thoughts, he stepped out into the evening gloom and headed for the store.

    E zra stepped back into the palace, blinking at the dim moonlight filtering in. He’d only been gone less than an hour, but apparently the sun had set since then, the moon rising high in the night sky.
    He carried two brown paper bags through the living area and into the kitchen, sticking them both straight into the huge refrigerator.
    When he turned around, his heart nearly stopped.
    Standing only a few feet away in the living room was a tall, elegantly-suited gentleman with ebony skin and a terrifying grin. People called him Le Medcin, some obscure reference to the fact that he was the neutral party in the war between Heaven and Hell.
    Something about the demi-god made sweat break out all over Ezra’s skin. Perhaps it was just that when Le Medcin moved toward him, Ezra could see flashes of white bone, as if the man’s skin was thin and brittle.
    “Why are you here?” Ezra asked, watching him closely.
    “You’re very casual with me, angel,” Le Medcin purred in his deep voice, his French-tinged accent hinting at Haitian roots.
    “I will assume that you are following Aurora?” Ezra asked. “You heard that she’s in the city, and tracked her here?”
    Le Medcin’s bony grin widened. “Not at all. I always know where she is. She’s a very rare bird, you know.”
    Ezra suddenly realized that Le Medcin’s mouth didn’t move as he spoke. His permanent grin was chilling.
    “I’m starting to understand that now,” Ezra said, looking Le Medcin up and down.
    “It is prophesied,” Le Medcin continued. “She must side with Heaven, or humanity will be doomed in the final days. Lucifer will consume the earth with his immoral greed.”
    Ezra raised his brows. “Well, it seems as though she’s fairly afraid of Heaven. Apparently she thinks someone up there killed her mother.”
    “She must be convinced ,” Le Medcin said, raising a skeletal hand and jabbing a finger toward Ezra. “To allow her to fall to Hell would be unthinkable.”
    Ezra watched him for a moment. Then, a light bulb went on.
    “You want me to convince her?” he asked, astounded. “You know I’m a Fallen angel, right?”
    “I know that you are many things. Angel, Fallen, and mere fallible man… and yet I see now, you are the one to protect her. Sway her.”
    Ezra didn’t have a response for that.
    “You must keep her out of Hell’s hands, no matter the cost,” Le Medcin said. “Death before betrayal of our cause, angel.”
    “For me, or for Aurora?”
    “Neither, if you carry out your duty.”
    “And this will earn me, what? Redemption?”
    “The continued existence of humanity is all the reward you need, angel. You are an honorable man, it is known.” Le Medcin tilted his head. “Guardian, you understand? Protector. From everyone, even yourself. Do not think to give her

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