Rebel Angel: A Sainted Sinners Novel
the other side. There was more, but Aurora could barely take it all in before her eyes were drawn lower.
    His abs… damn, he had so many abs, so perfectly defined. Aurora self-consciously sucked in her own stomach just looking at him, standing up a little straighter.
    But her eyes just kept going. Lower, lower… until she fixated on the tight vee of muscle at his hips, and the neat trail of dark hair that led downward beneath his towel.
    He was only inches away, close enough that she could’ve raised her hand and touch the bead of water snaking its way down his collarbone to his pec.
    “Morning,” he rumbled, a brow arching. “You need the shower?”
    “I… I…” she stammered, going red as a tomato. “Sorry!”
    Whirling, she started back into her room. Ezra caught her wrist, halting her. His fingers were searingly hot, sending a chill down her spine.
    She turned her eyes back toward him, alarmed.
    “I wanted to talk, when you’re dressed,” he said. He glanced at the baggy pajamas she’d borrowed from the dresser in her bedroom, and she flushed harder. “I was thinking we could have breakfast together.”
    Her mouth opened, but for a second nothing came out. She was flustered, and it was embarrassing as Hell.
    “O-okay,” Aurora finally managed.
    “Great,” he said, releasing her. The spot on her wrist where he’d touched her throbbed like crazy. “See you in the kitchen.”
    He gave her one last look, his eyes darkening for a moment. Then he gave a near-imperceptible shake of his head, turned, and headed back through the open doorway to his room.
    Giving her a downright magnificent view of his ass as he went, of course.
    Get a grip! she growled to herself. You’re like a werewolf in heat right now.
    After returning to her room for a towel, she carefully locked and relocked both bathroom doors. Still apprehensive, she turned on the water in the huge tiled walk-in shower.
    A few minutes under the hottest water she could stand took the edge off, but she was unable to really relax. The comfort she’d felt upon waking was all but gone.
    At least he can’t read thoughts. Otherwise he’d know that you dreamed about him last night…
    Blushing, she laughed to herself. It was true, she had… but she’d dreamed that he took her flying. Spread his wings, soared into the clouds, both of them grinning and pointing at tiny landmarks below.
    Silly , she thought, rolling her eyes. But at least it wasn’t the usual nightmares…
    Not wanting to stray into dark memories, she turned her thoughts to breakfast. She finished her shower and dressed quickly. At the last moment, she glanced in the mirror of the vanity desk in the far corner of her room.
    For a ridiculous moment, she wished she had the small but treasured bag of makeup she’d slowly collected over the last nine months. Nothing too flashy, but it wouldn’t hurt to put on a little mascara, would it?
    Seriously?? One peek at a stranger with a lot of abs, and you’re wanting to wear mascara for him??
    She truly needed to rein in whatever was going on here. Yeah, she hadn’t slept with anyone for a long time. Not since before she left Maine. A good while before that, actually.
    Being on the run didn’t exactly afford a lot of safe, attractive opportunities.
    And as much as she liked being a sword-carrying, butt-kicking badass on the battle field, Aurora was sort of… traditional.
    Embarrassingly traditional. Like… flowers and candy and first date at a movie, traditional. She liked her men boring and reliable, not so… so…
    Well, not like Ezra , that was for sure.
    With a last glance at her dark jeans and navy t-shirt, Aurora forced herself out of the room. When she walked into the kitchen, Ezra was sitting at the counter. Sipping coffee and rustling through the newspaper, like he was some kind of sitcom father and not a Fallen angel.
    “Hey,” he said. He folded the paper neatly and set it aside. “I went out for croissants and all

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