Razing Pel
paper around to show Kaj
the other side.  It was a map.  "It's a map!"  Phos
turned the map back around so he could look it over again.
 "And it gives us directions straight to United City.
 Luckily this Daj who had the map marked down his location
before he perished.  Ahh!  We'll never make it in time
using this route."  Phos continued to study the map.
 "Wait, what's this?  It seems there is a cave up ahead.
 Taking it would cut our trip in half and hopefully make us
get to the ship in time."
    "What cave?" questioned Kaj.
 He was familiar with the cave names of his planet.  But
he was hoping it wasn't the cave that he was thinking
    Phos struggled to find the name
and eventually did.  "It's called Cave of the Alata Jumen,"
Phos responded, trying hard to pronounce the last two words.
 "Whatever that means."  Phos lowered the map from his
face to look at Kaj.
    His face was frozen.  "That's
one of the most deadliest caves on this planet," Kaj blurted out.
 "I've heard stories of Daj going in there in search of
treasure and then not coming back out.  It's a death trap.
 Some say these winged brutes inhabit the cave."
    "It's the only way we can get to
United City in time," Phos said.  "If we don't go through
there, we'll both be stuck on this planet forever, waiting to die.
 And even if we do die in that cave, at least we don't have to
suffer like the planet does.  But, if we make it out alive,
then we're free and we finally get to leave."
    Kaj didn't know what to say.
 He didn't like the thought of going through the cave but Phos
provided a very good point as to why they need to.
    "Come," Phos said as he followed
the directions on the map to the cave.  "We don't have time to
waste.  Every second we waste is another second we're stuck
here on this dust ball of a planet."
    Kaj followed Phos, not traveling
far until they reached their destination.  The cave, on the
outside, was similar as to how Phos' cave was.  They both
looked down the dark, endless mouth of the cave.  Kaj knew
that something bad was going to happen to them, but they had to go
in.  There was no choice.
    Phos tapped the pistol that was
hanging by his side.  He looked over at Kaj.  "Don't
worry," he assured Kaj.  "I've got plenty of weapons that
should protect us incase anything goes wrong."  
    They both headed in, but before
they did, Phos pulled out two pairs of special glasses.  The
glasses were a long band with a single black glass to look
    "Here," Phos said, handing one of
the pairs of glasses to Kaj for him to put on.  Kaj grabbed
the small pair of glasses and inspected them, not putting them on
until Phos did first.  "It's for us to see in the cave."
 Phos slid on the pair of glasses and so did Kaj soon after.
 His vision changed slightly.  Phos turned to Kaj.
 "Let's head on in."
    They both slowly headed in,
watching every step they take closely.  Kaj inspected the
walls of the cave.  Weird gems were lodged in the cave wall.
 Kaj went up to one just to feel the smooth surface.  He
then continued to follow Phos down the tight hallway.  As they
continued down into the cave, they soon came into a large open
spaced area.
    "Wow," Phos said as he looked
around the area, watching the cave walls sparkle and seeing the
strange formations that nature created.  "It's incredible,
isn't it Kaj.  This is magnificent.  It's a shame that
all this will be gone soon."
    High platforms were scattered
around the cave.  In the center was a deep, dark hole that
even the glasses couldn't help them see into.
    Kaj walked over to the ledge to
get a better look at the center.  "What do you think is down
there?" Kaj asked.  He kicked down a loose rock, listening
until it hit the bottom.  It didn't.
    Phos followed close behind him.
 He patted Kaj's back, scaring him as though he were going to
fall in.  "Not sure," Phos said.  "Best not to find out."

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