Razing Pel

Read Razing Pel for Free Online Page B

Book: Read Razing Pel for Free Online
Authors: A.L. Svartz
Tags: Science-Fiction, adventure, Action, Ancient, Alien, World, Aliens, Planets, Planet, worlds
clinging onto it.
    "I can't do it Phos!"  Kaj
    "Yes you can Kaj!"  Phos
yelled over.  "Just trust me!"
    Kaj didn't know what to do.
 He still was holding onto the cave wall.
    The swirling creatures took
another dive at Kaj, one of them scratching through the fabric on
Kaj's back.  He yelled out a little as the claw pierced his
skin.  Kaj turned down to see Phos firing more shots at the
    Kaj saw that Phos was fearless
against these creatures.  Phos knew that standing up to these
creatures and attacking them was the only way they'd make it out of
the cave in time.
    Without thinking, Kaj backed away
from the cave wall, chest pumped out, waiting for the creatures to
take another dive at him.  The creatures again swirled around
at the top of the cave for a few seconds before diving down at Kaj.
As they did, Kaj reached back, pulling out his dagger.  He
slipped the cover off, tossing it away.  The creatures dove
down, flying by right in front of him. Kaj jammed his dagger in the
middle of the horde of creatures, stabbing one of them, causing it
to fall down into the deep dark hole.
    "Good Kaj!"  Phos yelled over
as he was reloading his pistol.  "Keep going!"
    Kaj listened to Phos and proceeded
to climb to the next platform.  As he did, the swarm of
creatures dove at Kaj.  One creature disbanded from the group,
snatching Kaj up.  The creature held onto Kaj from under his
arms as he flew over the dark hole.
    "Ahhh!" Kaj yelled.  "Phos!
 Help me!"
    Phos turned his attention to the
distressed Kaj.  He was squirming and kicking as the creature
was flying around.  The creature flew by over the dark hole,
releasing Kaj. He screamed as he fell, holding his dagger tightly
against himself.
    He didn't know what to do.
 Phos could only think of one thing to save the young Daj.
 He aimed his pistol carefully at Kaj.  Once he got the
right shot, he fired.  The laser bullet struck the blade of
Kaj's dagger.  The force of the bullet pushed Kaj out from
under the dark hole, slamming him against the cave wall.  He
fell on his stomach, lying there motionless.
    "Kaj!" Phos yelled from across the
cave.  "Kaj!"  He was wondering if he was alive.
 Phos continued to fire at the winged creatures.
    Kaj squirmed around on the ground,
holding his stomach as it was in pain.  He slowly lifted up
his shirt and saw that an imprint of the blade burned itself onto
his skin.  Kaj slightly touched the burn mark, feeling that it
was still warm.
    As Phos continued to fight off the
winged brutes while trying to make his way over to Kaj, a familiar
screeching sound filled the cave.  It echoed off the walls,
stunning the winged creatures.  Phos lowered his weapon as the
flying enemies flew off.  He looked around, trying to find
where the sound was coming from.  Peering down the dark hole,
Phos could hear the sound at a greater speed.  Phos instantly
knew what creature they were about to face.
    "Kaj!" He yelled across the cave
again.  "Kaj!  You have to get up!  You have to get
out of here!"
    Kaj slowly rose from the floor,
putting one hand one the cave wall as he struggled to fight through
the pain.  He watched as the winged creatures flew off.
 The screeching appeared again.  Covering his ears, he
tried to remember where he heard that sound before.
 Pin-pointing the sound of the screech, he recalled hearing it
just before his shuttle crashed.
    "The Oce!"  Kaj yelled out
from across the cave.  He knew they were both in trouble.
 Looking over at Phos, he motioned Kaj to continue to climb
and to escape out of the cave as quickly as possible.
    He leaped up onto the next
platform, not taking his time like he was before, leaving his
dagger behind.  Kaj looked over to see Phos scurry up the
platform as well.  As he continued to climb, Kaj found a
smaller sub-cave.  He went inside to explore, not finding
much.  Waving his hand out the cave

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