Raven Mask
dark lace underwear stood out over her body like a cloud trying to obscure the moon. I grabbed a fistful of the material at her shoulders, tearing it away. I snaked my arm between our bodies, grasping her underwear. The underwear tore more easily than the dress.
    All the while, her fingers never ceased their rhythm.
    “I may be a vampire,” she said calmly, “but I cannot expend this much energy without feeding soon.”
    She shoved her fingers deep inside me, curling them, pressing into my deepest corners.
    When I had enough breath to speak, I said, “Problem.”
    Lenorre began flicking her fingers over that spot as I writhed beneath her. “Yes?”
    “I…” I had to grab on to something. My claws pierced the mattress as my spine bowed. “Can’t do… Ah, fuck!”
    Lenorre’s voice was a hell of a lot more even than mine. “You can’t do what?” she asked, obviously amused again.
    I wrapped my legs around her as she sat back on her knees, keeping the new rhythm she’d found. She slid a hand beneath my ass, raising my lower body off the bed. At this angle, her fingers went deeper. I’d never gotten off on penetration. I’d enjoyed a woman’s fingers inside of me, but no woman had ever made it feel quite so mind-numbingly pleasurable.
    Lenorre read my body and my hips bucked against her hand.
    “Kassandra,” she said, and I fought against my fluttering eyelashes to look at her. Her fingers flicked again, and this time I had to close my eyes to keep them from rolling. Lenorre laughed as I jerked helplessly. “Save your breath,” I felt the heat of her breath against my clit, “you will need it.”
    She covered me with her mouth, sucking lightly at first, and when that awarded her with a moan, she sucked harder. Her fangs pierced that sensitive skin, and I was too taken with the pleasure to care. The tip of her tongue glided over my clit, as fast as her fingers had inside of me. The orgasm wasn’t gradual. It didn’t build and slowly spill over. It pierced me and tore a ragged half-moan half-scream from my mouth.
    Lenorre didn’t let me catch my breath. She pushed me further, into the abyss of pleasure so wondrous, it hurt to feel it. My claws convulsed in the mattress. I hadn’t let the shift take me over completely, but I hadn’t exactly pushed the beast out of my hands and eyes. My canines lengthened, sharpened, and I could no longer hold her at bay. She intended to take her chance to get out.
    There were sounds, sounds of destruction as my claws tore sheet and mattress, springs popping, and the sounds of a woman’s screams caught somewhere between ecstasy and agony.
    A part of me understood whose screams they were, understood I was the one screaming, but I no longer cared. The orgasm stripped away all my precious control. I tried to cling to the fragments of it, but it was too late. I tried to hold the wolf at bay, tried to shove her back into her invisible crate somewhere inside of me. She’d found the weak spot, discovered the door in my shields that the orgasm had opened further. She shoved her furred body against that door, fighting with everything she had, wiggling and squirming in her frenzy to get out and run amok.
    The wolf burst from my skin and the darkness swallowed me.

Chapter Six
    Voices woke me and I started pushing away the last fogs of sleep.
    “How long has she been out?” It was Rosalin’s voice.
    “She has been asleep for nearly nine hours.” I’d recognize Lenorre’s honeyed voice anywhere.
    A woman’s voice I didn’t recognize asked, “Did you bite her?”
    Lenorre’s voice was empty. “Yes.”
    “Has this ever happened to you?” Rosalin asked, and I didn’t know what the hell she was talking about.
    “No,” Lenorre said, “but I heard rumors of it when I was with my old mistress.”
    Mistress? I was growing more curious. I kept my breath slow and even, pretending to be asleep. Call it a hunch, but I had a feeling I’d get more from their

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