
Read Pygmy for Free Online Page B

Book: Read Pygmy for Free Online
Authors: Chuck Palahniuk
head meaning “no.”
    Acclaimed instructor say, every today must human follow example given from deity. Action of mercy, say instructor, an insult to eye of deity. Say deity no display such mercy. Say operative acting mercy place self on top, standing on top head of deity. Envision self possess more wisdom deity.
    Esteemed instructor say top deity ordains all living creation suffer—wasted disease or screaming wearing covered blood—then must some today all to die. Only tragedy if suffer and die during innocent. No sin, no crime, then extinction not earned. Such waste an affront to deity.
    “Because all suffer then die,” say instructor, stroking white fur rodent, “then operatives must earn own some today extinction.”
    Justify future cruelty acts of deity. Make of deity no sadism, instead vast wisdom judge.
    Top deity model only correct behavior. Say great wisdom instructor, “All must do unto fellow being what the deity does to all.”
    If operative frequent kick dog…if strike with slap hand reproductive partner…if operative murder stab fellow, that mimic correct lesson of deity. At some today instant of extinction—could be heart explode or consume toxic foodstuff—that extinction no tragedy, no large waste to offend deity. In truth, extinction sinner great vast pleasure unto deity. More sin, more crime, say instructor, more deity will rejoice upon extinction of operative.
    Hand of instructor twist water switch, forcing spigot gush water into bin. First, chilled water. Next then gush begin vent steam, water heating, high heat turning steel floor of bin to dark with temperature. Rodent sliding to escape temperature water, heated floor. Hand twist water switch until more gush, flood more floor. Rodent scramble to climb polish walls of bin, slide back to scald, squealing. Rodent climb and slide. Slide and squeal.
    Hand of revered leader dangle to electric switch mounted underneath of work surface. Finger activate electric switch and roar sound erupt from drain hole. Out of hole, shaking din, grinding metal of teeth. Hungry dark hole.
    White rodent tumble down steel walls, slide, escape grinding drain, rodent feet scorched red running too fast able eye to witness.
    Glorious instructor lift own hand, open palm to face all operative. Hand of oath or pledge. Celebrated instructor say, “Vote.” Say, “Current now, with hand, vote: Must we extinguish diseased parasite?”
    Hands of operative Ling and Chernok rise to say yes. Hands of Tibor and Mang.
    Hand of operative me remain low. Breath trapped lungs. Heart muscle scramble as rodent, battle indoors rib cage. Nose sniff, hard snort, so eye this agent no bleed water. Say inside head, say:
Permit rodent survive
. Say,
    Hand of operative Magda rise to vote yes. All operative eyeing this agent.
    Revered instructor quote total vile tyrant, brutal king Adolf Hitler, quote, ‘“I do not see why man should not be just as cruel as nature.’”
    Hand of this operative rise. Total “yes” in unison. To make single voice.
    Today, talented instructor say, this crime is how the West would title as “baptism.” Today crime craft operatives present here, a pleasure unto the deity. Dirty sinners. Cruel glorious own screaming extinction earned. Arriving the random today designated your torture extinction—from airplane plummet or nuclear poison—then will memory so many personal crimes comfort, soothe operative into eternity. Important, revered instructor say, “After here, wish top deity a vast pleasure to murder you.”
    From current today, deserve to die.
    Next now, white rodent slide, skid, tumble down drain hole. Feed grinding metal teeth. Gone.
    Quote, “I do not see why man should not be just as cruel as nature.”
    Next now, scream squeal of rodent also gone. Only gush scald water patter metal bin. Glorious wisdom instructor tilt self until both own hand stationed under gush, where hand wrestle each other, wrestle cake of soap, wash clean.
    Out black

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