Psion Beta
    “ All right, thanks.”
    “ Uh, oh . . . Commander,” the younger man said only centimeters away from Sammy’s ear. “He’s waking up.”
    “ What? Oh––sedate him again. No sense risking any problems on the flight to headquarters.”
    “ A minor dose is all I can give. Don’t want any risks.”
    Sammy was only vaguely aware of the conversation, as though it had been a dream, and no sooner had the words “risks” registered in his brain then he felt a tingling cold invade his elbow and creep up his arm. Had he just been given a little more time, he might have been able to piece the bits of conversation together––he might even have felt some alarm at what was said, but the sedative took its effect and he passed back into a deep sleep.
    * * *
    “ Explain what you mean when you tell me they are not certain about recruiting him?” a familiar voice spoke. The man was clearly trying to refrain from shouting. “Why were these concerns not addressed by Command before I brought him to Reykjavik?”
    There was a pause. Then the same man’s voice continued: “I understand his history is suspect––that’s highly unlikely––no––but he is still trainable!”
    Sammy realized that this time he was hearing only half of a conversation. It was the same voice he had heard in the cold room, only now the man sounded very upset. Although unable to move his body, the unsteadiness of the room told Sammy they were flying.
    “ Victor, did Command even look over his file?”
    “ Good. Then you know the circumstances surrounding his parents. Such a situation warrants some type of irregular behavior––No, he’s too young––he’s too young.”
    Sammy took interest in the man’s words. Somewhere in the back of his semi-drugged mind, he knew this man’s conversation revolved around him. Comprehending everything, however, was still too difficult with such a thick haze over his mind.
    “ Yes, even attacking police. The boy also has fourteen and eleven. I am not throwing him away because of one man’s theory.”
    Another pause.
    “ Trust me, had that been the case we would have seen far more damage.”
    What are you talking about? What’s going on? He tried to say these things but his jaw felt like gelatin.
    “ Put me on with the general.”
    A longer pause.
    “ Good evening, sir. I am fine, thank you.”
    This time the pause was interjected with “uh-huhs” and “good.”
    “ Will you please talk it over with the committee and get back to me as soon as possible? Thank you, sir. Good day.”
    The man muttered something angrily under his breath. Sammy heard several small beeps near his head and he tried to turn to the sound, but the only response his neck gave was a tight jerk. Someone cursed gruffly on his right.
    “ Kid’s awake again, Commander.”
    “ Again? Maad said to only give him minimal doses until we get there.”
    “ Yes, sir,” the gruff man’s voice replied accompanied by movement. Sammy felt the same cold sensation starting up his arm and all went black again.
    * * *
    Sammy awoke with a throbbing headache. As he lay in a daze, his limbs ached as feeling crawled back into them. As the drugs wore off, he became more aware of the pain lingering in his whole body.
    How long have I been asleep? He vaguely recalled snatches of conversations about . . . something. He could not remember what they were about.
    Where is Feet?
    Memories flooded him in a rush: the game, the Shocks, the church, the Elite. I was shot!
    With a start, he tried to sit up only to find himself pinned down by metal restraints clamped over his wrists, ankles, legs, chest, and head. Where am I? He knew the processing center for juvies in Johannesburg pretty well. They didn’t have this much security. Maybe they’re trying me as an adult this time .
    His head could not move side to side, and so he saw nothing in the room but the brilliant white ceiling. He spoke aloud, “Hello? HELLO? I’m awake now.

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