Proven (Motorcycle Club Romance): Axel and Paige 3 (Fallen Idols Motorcycle Club Book 8)

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Book: Read Proven (Motorcycle Club Romance): Axel and Paige 3 (Fallen Idols Motorcycle Club Book 8) for Free Online
Authors: Savannah Rylan
tilting her head back, and almost dipping her. I ignored the hoots and whistles from everyone else. I didn’t give a fuck about what they thought. I poured everything I felt for Paige, every emotion she brought out in me through that kiss. When I finally released her, and set her on her feet again, she was flushed. Good, exactly what I was going for.
    “I’ll always come back to you.” I slipped my dome on again. “Always, babe. It’s your and me. Got it?”
    She smiled. “Got it,” she replied, placing one last kiss on my lips before turning and heading inside.
    I watched her swing that sweet ass through the doors before reaching for the Remington and two clips, adding a third to my belt clip, just in case. Trista, of course went for her favorite, a Colt .45, complete with silencer.  Ryder and Blaze both reached for Colts while Ace always was packing, just grabbing some extra ammo for his Smith and Wesson.
    Once we were armed to the nines, we took off, driving directly into Almas territory. Not even a mile over the boarder, three bikes pulled in, flanking us, and revving their engines.
    “Just keep going. Don’t stop until we reach El Presidente’s house,” Trista called out. “Rogue promised to call and tell him that we’re coming, and not to shoot on sight.”
    “He knows why we’re coming?” I couldn’t risk Chubs finding out too.
    “No,” she called back. “Just that we have something to offer him. Don’t worry, Axel.”
    I nodded and sped up, the others right behind me. We’ll get the fucker this time , I thought. By the time we reached El Presidente’s house, there were almost a dozen Almas bikes surrounding us. I cut my engine, eyeing the others as I dismounted. Within seconds, Trista was at my side, Blaze right next to her. Ryder flanked my left, with Ace watching our backs.
    Isidro, or El Presidente as he was better known, stepped out his front door, several very heavily armed men on either side of him.  “I hear you have somethin’ to show me. Somethin’ that couldn’t wait? But, yet, I don’t see my three missing trailers.”
    I reached in my back pocket, and several guns pointed at my head and chest. “Whoa. Calm down. I’m just getting something out of my pocket. As for the cars, well you know… business.”
    “We’ll lower the guns after we see what it is,” he replied. “And only if we like what we see.”
    I bit back the retort on my tongue, knowin’ it would only hurt my cause. Pullin’ out the tiny thumb drive, I took a hesitant step forward, and handed it to El Presidente. “Do you have a laptop handy? Cause you’re going to want to see this. Now.”
    He glanced to his left, and a guy with a long scar running down his face handed El Presidente a tablet. Plugging in the thumb drive, he turned to me. “This had better be worth my time, ese.”
    “Trust me, it will be.”
    The video popped up, and he hit play, listening through a pair of headphones. I knew when he reached the good stuff. His eyes grew wide, then narrowed, as his jaw tightened so much I thought he might crack a tooth.
    I turned back, winking at Trista, who smugly crossed her arms, the rest of the guys nodding in amusement.
    El Presidente took the earphones off, and looked up at me. “Thank you, friend, for bringing this to my attention. Is this copy for me to keep?”
    “Absolutely. Do with it whatever you see fit.”
    “Oh don’t worry, ese, I plan to. This makes us even then. For the cars?”
    I nodded. “I hope so.”
    He whistled, and three guys stepped forward. “Bring me Leo Alvarez. NOW!”
    One of the guys looked confused. “Chubs? Why?”
    El Presidente backhanded him across the face, spinning him around. “Just do it! I want him here in the next ten minutes, or he won’t be the only one to feel my wrath tonight.”
    “One more thing,” I said. “Before it’s over, be sure he knows

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