Proven (Motorcycle Club Romance): Axel and Paige 3 (Fallen Idols Motorcycle Club Book 8)

Read Proven (Motorcycle Club Romance): Axel and Paige 3 (Fallen Idols Motorcycle Club Book 8) for Free Online

Book: Read Proven (Motorcycle Club Romance): Axel and Paige 3 (Fallen Idols Motorcycle Club Book 8) for Free Online
Authors: Savannah Rylan
quite made it to evidence, so now I need something else to take to my boss.”
    “What do you mean, it never made it? You snorted seven G’s worth of blow?”
    Velasquez contorted his face in disgust. “Absolutely not. But my ex wife’s up my ass about back alimony, and my new girl needed new tits. I mean, you should see the size of these things now. Like two ripe honeydews, and my God, they squeeze my cock almost as nicely as her pussy. The rest went to pay off my new boat.”
    Chubs snorted. “Fuckin’ greedy ass pig.”
    “You’re one to talk. Haven’t you been trimming from the top for years now? Cause I know you didn’t buy that condo in Cabo on a mechanic’s salary.”
    Chubs narrowed his eyes. “That’s for my mother.”
    “Sure, whatever you say.” He looked around. “Alright. I think we were sent on a wild goose chase. I’m outta here.” He slipped his sunglasses back on. “And listen, get me the details of the next buy before the weekend. You got it?”
    Chubs turned, heading back to his bike. “Whatever. You’ll get them when you get them.”
    A smile broke out on my face as Trista high fived Ryder. “Those fuckers are going down.”

    After Chen was able to transfer the recordings onto flash drives, we put one in an envelope, and dropped it in the mail anonymously for Velasquez’s boss at the FBI. The other I insisted on personally bringing to El Presidente.
    Trista shook her head. “I don’t think it’s a good idea, Axel. Riding that deep into Almas territory by yourself, no matter the reason, is not a good idea. Not after we put bullets in three of their heads less than a week ago. They’re looking for any reason for revenge. Don’t give them one. We’ll meet with El Presidente on neutral ground tomorrow. Rogue is going to set it up tonight.”
    “No way. Too much could happen between now and then. I’m not givin’ that fucker any time to slip away. You heard Velasquez. He could get wind of this, and be out of the country before Rogue gets the chance to meet. Or even worse, he could find the girls before then. No. It needs to be tonight.”  I mounted my bike, reaching for my dome.
    Trista eyed the rest of the guys there. “Fine. We’ll do this now. But we’re coming too. No way I’m letting you to ride alone.”
    Blaze, Ryder, and Ace nodded, mounting their bikes too.
    “You guys sure?”
    Ryder nodded. “You go. We go.”
    I fastened the strap. “Alright. But I want to get the girls and bring them to Raven’s Nest first. Just in case. I don’t want Chubs to have any chances to get to them.”
    I pulled out my phone, tellin’ Paige and Gina to be ready in twenty minutes. The girls were already on the porch, waiting, when we pulled up.
    “So, this is really it? You’re going to get him now?” Gina asked, her voice shaky.
    “After tonight, you’ll never have to worry about him again. I promise you that.”
    She smiled, the tension in her shoulders loosening. “Then, what are we waiting for?”
    Paige swung her leg over the bike, her hands wrappin’ around my body, and I pulled her closer as she rested her cheek on my shoulder blade. Just having her hands on me made my dick stir, but I shook the thought.  We had shit to do. After tonight, I’d have all the time in the world to enjoy Paige touching my body—and trust me, I would—but for now business came first.
    Gina hopped on with Ace, and we took off. Once we made it to Raven’s Nest, I escorted the girls safely inside.
    Paige held back, anxiety etched all over her face. “I’m worried, Axel. This guy is not going to go down easy.”
    I took her hands in mine, kissing both sets of knuckles. “It’s going to be fine. I promise.”
    She didn’t look convinced, biting the side of her lip. “Just…just be careful and come back to me. Okay?”
    I pulled her in for a deep kiss,

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